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A library for writing tables

Escritoire is a simple library for printing tabular data in monospaced fonts, typically for use in console applications. Tables can be displayed in a number of styles.

Particular care has been given to ensuring a table will render to a maximum width, and columns can be controlled to scale dynamically according to their content and other parameters.


  • prints data using Unicode box-drawing characters
  • supports multiline cells
  • cell contents may be left, right or centrally aligned
  • compact display for tables which don't include multiline contents


Getting Started

Here is an example of a table rendered by Escritoire:

│ Name         │  LoC │ Description              │
│ Wisteria     │  581 │ Simple,     fast     and │
│              │      │ transparant      generic │
│              │      │ derivation           for │
│              │      │ typeclasses              │
│ Quantitative │ 1271 │ Statically-checked       │
│              │      │ physical   units    with │
│              │      │ seamless syntax          │

All Escritoire terms and types are defined in the escritoire package,

syntax scala
import escritoire.*

and are exported to the soundness package, so alternatively we can import:

syntax scala
import soundness.*

A Simple Example

For many datatypes, the easiest way to create a table from a sequence of values is to call the extension method table on it. This is possible if the elements have types which are tabulable. Tabulable types are simple fields (like Text or Int) or a product of tabulable values, such as a case class where every field is a tabulable type.

This includes nested case classes, which will be automatically collapsed into a flattened structure. But it excludes coproduct types like structured enums—these would need a different set of columns for each row, so they don't make sense in a tabular form.

This automatic tabulation uses generic derivation, which is provided by Wisteria, and in many cases it produces good output. Titles are converted from "camel case" into normal words, and capitalized.

The table can be rendered to standard output with,

syntax scala
  before  hide imports
  after   show imports
    match  // more imports
        import tableStyles.default
        import textMetrics.uniform
        import columnAttenuation.ignore
        import stdioSources.virtualMachine.ansi
import soundness.*

// more imports

case class Digit(n: Int, digitName: Text)
val data = List(Digit(1, t"one"), Digit(2, t"two"), Digit(3, t"three"))

and will look like this:

┃ N │ Digit name ┃
┃ 1 │ one        ┃
┃ 2 │ two        ┃
┃ 3 │ three      ┃

Although this hides some of the complexity of constructing and rendering a table, which will be explained below, for many cases it is remarkably easy to render a table for display in a terminal.

Tables, Tabulations and Grids

Escapade provides three types which relate to the tabulation of a particular type of data for rendering to the terminal, though not all of them are used explicitly. Let's be clear about what each one does:

  • Table defines how data of a particular type is put into columns, how those columns are arranged, and their parameters;
  • Tabulation represents a set of data that has been arranged in the tabular form specified by a Table;
  • Grid represents the textual content of a Tabulation that has been fitted to a particular size.

In the first example, the expression data.table created a Tabulation of the data from data. It automatically constructed a Table instance for the type Digit, using generic derivation, so we did not see this value.

And Out.println is able to print any Printable type, which includes Tabulation instances. This Printable instance automatically rendered the Tabulation as a Grid and printed it.

More advanced examples would, construct a Table, use it format a sequence of data into a Tabulation, then render the Tabulation to a specific width to get a Grid, which could then be printed line-by-line. Such an example offers more control over the table layout, and the rendering width.

Defining a Table

The Table type is parameterized not just on the type of row data that it handles, but also the type of textual content it will contain. In many cases, that will simply be Text—the typesafe variant of String used in Soundness—but other types may be used instead, most notably the Teletype type, which can include colors and styles for use in ANSI-compatible terminals.

We can nevertheless construct a new table by specifying just its row-data type parameter, and a set of columns whose content comes from instances of that type. The type parameter of its content will be inferred.

Here is an example describing a table for instances of Library:

syntax scala
case class Library
    (id: Text, name: Text, linesOfCode: Int, year: Int, about: Text)

val table =

Each column is specified as a title (such as t"Year") and a lambda from the row type (Library) to the cell value. Note that the lambdas return a mixture of Text and Int values, but we have not had to specify any explicit types except Library.

There is some clever mechanics going on to make this work! Here is what is happening:

  1. The title for each Column infers the textual type for its cells
  2. A Textual instance (defined in Gossamer) is resolved corresponding to the title's type
  3. The Textual instance specifies a corresponding typeclass type, often called Show, for converting values of other types to that textual type
  4. The result type of each lambda is used to infer a Show instance so that its contents is showable
  5. The cell type of the table is inferred as the least upper-bound of its columns' cell types; usually we would want these all the same

The definition above, table, therefore has the type Table[Library, Text]. We could have created a Table[Library, Teletype] if we had specified the column titles as e"Name", and so on.


If we take a sequence of Library instances, such as,

syntax scala
val libraries: List[Library] = List
 (Library(t"wisteria", t"Wisteria", 581, 2017, t"Simple, fast and transparant generic derivation for typeclasses"),
  Library(t"quantitative", t"Quantitative", 1271, 2023, t"Statically-checked physical units with seamless syntax"),
  Library(t"turbulence", t"Turbulence", 1047, 2022, t"Simple tools for working with data streams"),
  Library(t"escritoire", t"Escritoire", 494, 2018, t"A library for writing tables"))

then we can tabulate them with table.tabulate(libraries).

This will produce a Tabulation[Text]. The source data List[Library] has been serialized into Text, and is contained in this object which no longer refers to the Library type.

An instance of a Tabulation is an array of textual values, with one textual value for each row and column. In order to view it, it much be rendered to a particular size by calling its grid method, and specifying the width.

For example, table.tabulate(libraries).grid(100) will produce a new Grid[Text], representing a table rendered to a maximum width of 100 characters.

Rendering to a Width

Fitting the content of a table into a certain width can be challenging if the width isn't large enough to contain the content at its natural width.

Consequently, the Column definitions in a Table definition include parameters for controlling their width and visibility, so that the sizing algorithm can find a suitable width for each column.

The Algorithm

The Table delegates rendering of the cells to each Column, and passes in a parameter (a Double between 0 and 1) which expresses the slack on that column to shrink. Slack can be thought of as the opposite of pressure. A column may decide not to render at all if the slack is too low.

Some columns can render to a narrower width if the slack is decreased, while others will not be able to shrink past a minimum width. In any case, their calculated render-width is returned back to the table-rendering algorithm.

Based on the total width of all the columns at a particular slack, the algorithm will decide whether to decrease or increase the slack on all columns simultaneously, to force them to fit within the available space.

Through several trials, the algorithm can find the highest slack value which allows the table to still render within the width available.

Often, this maximum slack value is found at a trigger point just after one or more columns are hidden, and besides allowing the remaining columns to fit, this can leave additional unused space.

So the algorithm, in a second step, increases the slack on the remaining columns (without reintroducing the removed columns) to allow them to fill up more of the unused space.

Experimentally, this seems to produce good results.

Specifying Column Sizing

Each Column instance can be configured with its own sizing criteria.

syntax scala
  replace  t"Identifier"  t"Identifier", sizing = Collapsible(0.9)
  replace  t"LoC"  t"LoC", sizing = Collapsible(0.3)
  replace  t"Year"  t"Year", sizing = Collapsible(0.5)
  replace  t"Description"  t"Description", textAlign = TextAlignment.Justify, sizing = Prose
case class Library
    (id: Text, name: Text, linesOfCode: Int, year: Int, about: Text)

val table =

Of these columns, we have specified that the LoC column and the Year column have the sizing, Collapsible, with thresholds of 0.3 and 0.5 respectively.

Those threshold values determine how those columns respond to the slack imposed upon them when calculating how to render them. The numbers are arbitrary in an absolute sense, because the algorithm will hunt (logarithmically) for a suitable value for the width. But the values relative to each other are significant.

If the slack value tried is 0.6, then both columns will be shown. If the value is 0.4, then only LoC will be shown. And if it is 0.2, then neither column will be visible.

The Description column is sized as Prose. That was chosen because it contains words which can be split on spaces, so long lines can be split into multiple lines. A prose column usually responds well to changes in slack, and its width grows or shrinks as the text is reflowed onto multiple lines.

The alignment is also specified as Justify, which means that additional spaces are added to ensure each line (apart from the last in each paragraph) fills all the space available on each line.

In addition to Prose and Collapsible, columns may be sized as Fixed, specifying an unchanging width in characters, or Shortened which will crop the content of a column down to a certain size, if there is not enough slack.

The concept is fully extensible, and other specifications may be designed to control the widths of columns in response to different slack values.

There is a requirement that a column should respond monotonically to changes in slack. That is to say, a decrease in slack should never result in a column that is wider, though it may be the same width.

Renderings at Different Widths

At a width of 120 characters, each row takes a single line, and all columns are included:

┃ Name         │ Identifier   │  LoC │ Year │ Description                                                     ┃
┃ Wisteria     │ wisteria     │  581 │ 2017 │ Simple, fast and transparant generic derivation for typeclasses ┃
┃ Quantitative │ quantitative │ 1271 │ 2023 │ Statically-checked physical units with seamless syntax          ┃
┃ Turbulence   │ turbulence   │ 1047 │ 2022 │ Simple tools for working with data streams                      ┃
┃ Escritoire   │ escritoire   │  494 │ 2018 │ A library for writing tables                                    ┃

Reducing the maximum width to 100, the Identifier column is hidden. This column is hidden first because its sizing is Collapsible, and it has the threshold value of 0.9, which is closer to 1 than any other column.

┃ Name         │  LoC │ Year │ Description                                                     ┃
┃ Wisteria     │  581 │ 2017 │ Simple, fast and transparant generic derivation for typeclasses ┃
┃ Quantitative │ 1271 │ 2023 │ Statically-checked physical units with seamless syntax          ┃
┃ Turbulence   │ 1047 │ 2022 │ Simple tools for working with data streams                      ┃
┃ Escritoire   │  494 │ 2018 │ A library for writing tables                                    ┃

With the maximum width reduced to 80, some cells in the Description column are forced to use two lines:

┃ Name         │  LoC │ Year │ Description                                     ┃
┃ Wisteria     │  581 │ 2017 │ Simple, fast and transparant generic derivation ┃
┃              │      │      │ for typeclasses                                 ┃
┃ Quantitative │ 1271 │ 2023 │ Statically-checked physical units with seamless ┃
┃              │      │      │ syntax                                          ┃
┃ Turbulence   │ 1047 │ 2022 │ Simple tools for working with data streams      ┃
┃ Escritoire   │  494 │ 2018 │ A library for writing tables                    ┃

The Year column is the Collapsible column with the next-highest threshold value, so it is hidden when the width is constrained to 60 or less.

┃ Name         │  LoC │ Description                        ┃
┃ Wisteria     │  581 │ Simple,   fast   and   transparant ┃
┃              │      │ generic derivation for typeclasses ┃
┃ Quantitative │ 1271 │ Statically-checked physical  units ┃
┃              │      │ with seamless syntax               ┃
┃ Turbulence   │ 1047 │ Simple tools for working with data ┃
┃              │      │ streams                            ┃
┃ Escritoire   │  494 │ A library for writing tables       ┃

At a maximum width of 40 characters, only two columns remain visible, and the cells in the Description column take as many as four lines.

┃ Name         │ Description           ┃
┃ Wisteria     │ Simple,   fast    and ┃
┃              │ transparant   generic ┃
┃              │ derivation        for ┃
┃              │ typeclasses           ┃
┃ Quantitative │ Statically-checked    ┃
┃              │ physical  units  with ┃
┃              │ seamless syntax       ┃
┃ Turbulence   │ Simple   tools    for ┃
┃              │ working   with   data ┃
┃              │ streams               ┃
┃ Escritoire   │ A library for writing ┃
┃              │ tables                ┃


If we were to reduce the maximum width further to 36, we would hit a hard limit: the Description column may not be more narrow than the longest single word it contains. For our data, that's the word Statically-checked.

This scenario must be handled one way or another.

One possibility is to abandon hope of fitting the content into such a narrow width, and to print the table ignoring the limit. We know that it will not fit within the space available, but a user may still be able to get useful information from the table.

This route may be chosen by including the import columnAttenuation.ignore:

syntax  scala
import columnAttenuation.ignore

Alternatively, it might be considered unacceptable to render a table in a space that's too small for it, and we can raise a TableError instead, by importing:

syntax  scala

Like all Soundness errors, TableError is a checked error, and using the fail import implies that it must be handled. (And conversely, using ignore requires no error handling.)

It is therefore the method for handling this TableError which determines how a TableError should be handled. An error handler might choose to render the data in another form, or to print a message explaining that the table cannot be rendered in the space available.

syntax scala

  case TableError(minimum, available) =>
    Out.println(t"The table needs a width of at least $minimum to be shown.")

Table styles

Tables can be rendered in a number of styles. The style is determined by a contextual TableStyle instance, and several predefined styles are included in the escritoire.tableStyles (or soundness.tableStyles) package.

Below are samples of each table style.

Aside from tableStyles.default', tableStyles.thinRounded` provides tables with rounded corners:

│ Name         │  LoC │ Description              │
│ Wisteria     │  581 │ Simple,     fast     and │
│              │      │ transparant      generic │
│              │      │ derivation           for │
│              │      │ typeclasses              │
│ Quantitative │ 1271 │ Statically-checked       │
│              │      │ physical   units    with │
│              │      │ seamless syntax          │

Tables can be rendered with only horizontal lines using, tableStyles.horizontal:

  Name            LoC   Description
  Wisteria        581   Simple,     fast     and
                        transparant      generic
                        derivation           for
  Quantitative   1271   Statically-checked
                        physical   units    with
                        seamless syntax

Or with only vertical lines with tableStyles.vertical:

â•·              â•·      â•·                          â•·
│ Name         │  LoC │ Description              │
│              │      │                          │
│ Wisteria     │  581 │ Simple,     fast     and │
│              │      │ transparant      generic │
│              │      │ derivation           for │
│              │      │ typeclasses              │
│ Quantitative │ 1271 │ Statically-checked       │
│              │      │ physical   units    with │
│              │      │ seamless syntax          │
╵              ╵      ╵                          ╵

A "minimal" approach includes just a horizontal line under the title, with tableStyles.minimal:

  Name            LoC   Description
  Wisteria        581   Simple,     fast     and
                        transparant      generic
                        derivation           for
  Quantitative   1271   Statically-checked
                        physical   units    with
                        seamless syntax


Escritoire is classified as maturescent. For reference, Soundness projects are categorized into one of the following five stability levels:

  • embryonic: for experimental or demonstrative purposes only, without any guarantees of longevity
  • fledgling: of proven utility, seeking contributions, but liable to significant redesigns
  • maturescent: major design decisions broady settled, seeking probatory adoption and refinement
  • dependable: production-ready, subject to controlled ongoing maintenance and enhancement; tagged as version 1.0.0 or later
  • adamantine: proven, reliable and production-ready, with no further breaking changes ever anticipated

Projects at any stability level, even embryonic projects, can still be used, as long as caution is taken to avoid a mismatch between the project's stability level and the required stability and maintainability of your own project.

Escritoire is designed to be small. Its entire source code currently consists of 553 lines of code.


Escritoire will ultimately be built by Fury, when it is published. In the meantime, two possibilities are offered, however they are acknowledged to be fragile, inadequately tested, and unsuitable for anything more than experimentation. They are provided only for the necessity of providing some answer to the question, "how can I try Escritoire?".

  1. Copy the sources into your own project

    Read the fury file in the repository root to understand Escritoire's build structure, dependencies and source location; the file format should be short and quite intuitive. Copy the sources into a source directory in your own project, then repeat (recursively) for each of the dependencies.

    The sources are compiled against the latest nightly release of Scala 3. There should be no problem to compile the project together with all of its dependencies in a single compilation.

  2. Build with Wrath

    Wrath is a bootstrapping script for building Escritoire and other projects in the absence of a fully-featured build tool. It is designed to read the fury file in the project directory, and produce a collection of JAR files which can be added to a classpath, by compiling the project and all of its dependencies, including the Scala compiler itself.

    Download the latest version of wrath, make it executable, and add it to your path, for example by copying it to /usr/local/bin/.

    Clone this repository inside an empty directory, so that the build can safely make clones of repositories it depends on as peers of escritoire. Run wrath -F in the repository root. This will download and compile the latest version of Scala, as well as all of Escritoire's dependencies.

    If the build was successful, the compiled JAR files can be found in the .wrath/dist directory.


Contributors to Escritoire are welcome and encouraged. New contributors may like to look for issues marked beginner.

We suggest that all contributors read the Contributing Guide to make the process of contributing to Escritoire easier.

Please do not contact project maintainers privately with questions unless there is a good reason to keep them private. While it can be tempting to repsond to such questions, private answers cannot be shared with a wider audience, and it can result in duplication of effort.


Escritoire was designed and developed by Jon Pretty, and commercial support and training on all aspects of Scala 3 is available from Propensive OÜ.


Escritoire is a pun: it is named after a type of writing table, since its purpose is for writing tables.



In general, Soundness project names are always chosen with some rationale, however it is usually frivolous. Each name is chosen for more for its uniqueness and intrigue than its concision or catchiness, and there is no bias towards names with positive or "nice" meanings—since many of the libraries perform some quite unpleasant tasks.

Names should be English words, though many are obscure or archaic, and it should be noted how willingly English adopts foreign words. Names are generally of Greek or Latin origin, and have often arrived in English via a romance language.


The logo shows some stylized papers laid out on a green writing table, or escritoire.


Escritoire is copyright © 2024 Jon Pretty & Propensive OÜ, and is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.