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PHP Views

Blazing fast PHP Views with model-driven approach, multi-namespace support and custom Blade implementation as a default template engine.


  • Blazing fast: Outperforms the original Laravel Blade (see the Benchmark section).
  • Zero Dependencies: Lightweight and easy to integrate into any project.
  • Wide Compatibility: PHP 7.4+, 8.0+
  • Adherence to the SOLID principles: The architecture allows you to easily override any module to meet specific requirements.
  • Namespace Support: Manage different templates seamlessly under a unified structure.
  • Reliable: Covered by Pest tests and checked by PHPStan.

Flexible Usage

You're free to use the package in your own way:

  • Use it as your Views provider, combining model-driven approach with the built-in Blade.
  • Employ its standalone Blade implementation as a template engine for your Blade templates.
  • Leverage its model-driven approach for any templates (e.g., Twig, or pure PHP).
  • Use it as a connector for templates that utilize different template engines.

Table of Contents

1. Installation

composer require prosopo/views

Don't forget to include the composer autoloader in your app:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

2. Model-driven approach

Similar to many frameworks, such as Laravel, this package embraces a model-driven approach to templates. Each template is paired with its own Model, where the Model's public properties and methods act as arguments available within the template.

Model class:

namespace MyPackage\Views;

use Prosopo\Views\BaseTemplateModel;
use Prosopo\Views\Interfaces\Model\TemplateModelInterface;

class EmployeeTemplateModel extends BaseTemplateModel
    public int $salary;
    public int $bonus;
    // Use the abstract interface to accept any Model.
    public TemplateModelInterface $innerModel;
    // Use a specific class only when you want to restrict the usage to it.
    public CompanyTemplateModel $company;

    public function total(): int
        return $this->salary + $this->bonus;

Model template (Blade is used in this example):

Your month income is {{ $total() }}, 
from which {{ $salary }} is a salary, and {{ $bonus }} is a bonus.
Est. taxes: {{ $company->calcTaxes($salary) }}

{!! $innerModel !!}

<p>Company info:</p>

{!! $company !!}

2.1) Benefits of the model-driven approach

  1. Typed variables: Eliminate the hassle of type matching and renaming associated with array-driven variables.
  2. Reduced Routine: During object creation, public fields of the model without default values are automatically initialized with default values.
  3. Enhanced Access: Public methods are made available to the template alongside the variables.
  4. Unified Interface: Use the TemplateModelInterface in your application when accepting or returning a Model to maintain flexibility and avoid specifying the exact component.

By default, inner models are passed to templates as objects, enabling you to call their public methods directly. For example:

{{ $$innerModel->calc($localVar) }}.

The BaseTemplateModel class overrides the __toString() method, allowing inner models to be rendered as strings using echo statements, which supports HTML output. For instance:

{!! $innerModel !!} will render the model and print the result.

If you prefer, you can configure the ViewsManager to pass models as strings instead of objects. Refer to the ViewsManager section for details.

2.2) Model naming note

To clarify: this package does not require the Model suffix in the names of model classes. In this document, we use the Model suffix for class names purely for demonstration purposes.

2.3) Custom property defaults

Note: In the TemplateModel class, in order to satisfy the Model factory, the constructor is marked as final. If you need to set custom default values, consider using one of the following approaches:

namespace MyPackage\Views;

use Prosopo\Views\BaseTemplateModel;

class EmployeeTemplateModel extends BaseTemplateModel
    // approach for plain field types.
    public int $varWithCustomDefaultValue = 'custom default value';
    public Company $company;

    protected function setCustomDefaults(): void
        // approach for object field types.
        $this->company = new Company();

Tip: If your app Models require additional object dependencies, you can override the PropertyValueProvider module to integrate with a Dependency Injection container like PHP-DI. This allows model properties to be automatically resolved while object creation by your application's DI system.

2.4) Custom Model implementation (advanced usage)

The only requirement for a Model is to implement the TemplateModelInterface. This means you can transform any class into a Model without needing to extend a specific base class, or even define public properties:

namespace MyPackage\Views;

use Prosopo\Views\Interfaces\Model\TemplateModelInterface;

class AnyClass implements TemplateModelInterface
    public function getTemplateArguments(): array
        // you can fill out arguments from any source or define manually.
        return [
            'name' => 'value',

Note: If you plan to define inner models, remember that the default __toString() implementation is not provided. You will need to either implement it yourself or enable the option to pass models as strings in the ViewsManager configuration:


When this option is enabled, the renderer will automatically convert objects implementing TemplateModelInterface into strings before passing them to the template.

3. Views Manager

The ViewsManager class provides the registerNamespace, createModel and renderModel methods. It acts as a namespace manager and brings together different namespace configurations.

Each ViewNamespace has its own independent setup and set of modules. E.g. among these modules is the ModelTemplateProvider, which automates the process of linking models to their corresponding templates.

3.1) Setup

use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewNamespaceConfig;
use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewTemplateRenderer;
use Prosopo\Views\ViewsManager;

// 1. Make the Template Renderer.
// (By default it uses the built-in Blade, but you can connect any)

$viewTemplateRenderer = new ViewTemplateRenderer();

// 2. Make the namespace config

$namespaceConfig = (new ViewNamespaceConfig($viewTemplateRenderer))
    // required settings:
    ->setTemplatesRootPath(__DIR__ . './templates')
    // optional setting:
    ->setTemplateErrorHandler(function (array $eventDetails) {
        // logging, notifying, whatever.
    // this option enables inner models rendering before passing them into the template

// (This line is necessary only if you defined the templateErrorHandler)

// 3. Make the Views instance:

$viewsManager = new ViewsManager();

// 4. Add the root namespace of your Template Models

$viewsManager->registerNamespace('MyPackage\Views', $namespaceConfig);

// Tip: you can have multiple namespaces, and mix their Models.

3.2) Single-step Model creation and rendering

You can create, set values, and render a Model in a single step using the callback argument of the renderView method, as shown below:

echo $viewsManager->renderModel(
    function (EmployeeModel $employee) use ($salary, $bonus) {
        $employee->salary = $salary;
        $employee->bonus = $bonus;

This approach enables a functional programming style when working with Models.

3.3) Multi-step creation and rendering

When you need split creation, use the factory to create the model, and then render later when you need it.

$employee = $viewsManager->createModel(EmployeeModel::class);

// ...

$employee->salary = $salary;
$employee->bonus = $bonus;

// ...

echo $views->renderModel($employee);

// Tip: you can still pass the callback as the second renderModel() argument
// to customize the Model properties before rendering. 

Advice: The ViewsManager class implements three interfaces: ViewNamespaceManagerInterface (for registerNamespace), ModelFactoryInterface (for createModel), and ModelRendererInterface (for renderModel).

When passing the ViewsManager instance to your methods, use one of these interfaces as the argument type instead of the ViewsManager class itself.

This approach ensures that only the specific actions you expect are accessible, promoting cleaner and more maintainable code.

3.4) Automated templates matching

The built-in ModelTemplateResolver automatically matches templates based on the Model names and their relative namespaces. This automates the process of associating templates with their corresponding Models.


  • src/
    • Views/
      • Homepage.php
      • settings
        • GeneralSettings.php
    • templates/
      • homepage{.blade.php}
      • settings/
        • general-settings{.blade.php}

Naming Note: Use dashes in template names, as camelCase in Model names is automatically converted to dash-separated names.

Tip: In case this approach doesn't work for your setup, you can override the ModelTemplateResolver module to implement your own logic. In case the reason is the name-specific only, consider overriding the ModelNameResolver module instead.

3.5) Custom modules

By default, the registerNamespace class creates module instances for the namespace using classes from the current package.

If you need to override the default module behavior, you can define a custom implementation in the configuration and the package will use the specified implementation.

Tip: You can see the full list of the modules in the ViewNamespaceModules class.

Example: Using Twig as a Template Renderer (instead of the built-in Blade)

// 1. Make a facade (for Twig or another template engine)

use Prosopo\Views\Interfaces\Template\TemplateRendererInterface;
use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewNamespaceConfig;
use Prosopo\Views\ViewsManager;

class TwigDecorator implements TemplateRendererInterface
    private $twig;

    public function __construct()
        // todo init Twig or another engine.

    public function renderTemplate(string $template, array $variables = []): string
        return $this->twig->render($template, $variables);

// 2. Define the namespace config with the facade instance

$twigDecorator = new TwigDecorator();

$namespaceConfig = (new ViewNamespaceConfig($twigDecorator))
    ->setTemplatesRootPath(__DIR__ . './templates')

// 3. Make the Views:

$viewsManager = new ViewsManager();

// 4. Add the namespace (you can have multiple namespaces)

$viewsManager->registerNamespace('MyPackage\Views', $namespaceConfig);

You can override any namespace module in the following way:

     // override any module, like Factory:
    ->setModelFactory(new MyFactory());

Note: The package includes only the Blade implementation. If you wish to use a different template engine, like Twig, you need to install its Composer package and create a facade object, as demonstrated above.

3.6) Namespace mixing

The ViewsManager class not only supporting multiple namespaces, but also enabling you to use Models from one namespace within another, preserving their individual setup.

Example of multi-namespace usage:

Suppose you have registered a namespace for Twig templates:


This namespace includes a Button model and a button.twig template:

Button's model:

namespace App\Twig;

use Prosopo\Views\BaseTemplateModel;

class ButtonModel extends BaseTemplateModel {
 public string $label;

Button's template:

<button>{{ label|trim }}</button>

Additionally, you registered a namespace for Blade templates:


with a Popup model:

Popup's model:

namespace App\Blade;

use Prosopo\Views\BaseTemplateModel;

class PopupModel extends BaseTemplateModel {

Now is the cool part: you can safely use the App\Twig\ButtonModel class as a property of the App\Blade\PopupModel class, so it looks like this:

Popup's model:

namespace App\Blade;

use Prosopo\Views\BaseTemplateModel;
use App\Twig\ButtonModel;

class PopupModel extends BaseTemplateModel {
 public ButtonModel $buttonModel;

Now you can use the buttonModel in the popup's template:

    I'm a popup!
    To close, click here - {!! $buttonModel !!}

When you call ViewsManager->makeModel() for the PopupModel class:

  1. The App\Blade\PopupModel instance will be created using the ModelFactory from the App\Blade namespace.
  2. During automated property initialization, an instance of App\Twig\ButtonModel will be created using the ModelFactory from for the App\Twig namespace.

This design allows you to seamlessly reuse models across different namespaces while respecting the specific configuration of each namespace.

Namespace resolution also occurs when you call ViewsManager->renderModel(). In this example:

  • App\Twig\ButtonModel will be rendered using the ViewTemplateRenderer from the App\Twig namespace, which is configured for Twig.
  • App\Blade\PopupModel will be rendered using the ViewTemplateRenderer from the App\Blade namespace, which is configured for Blade.

4. View Renderer

ViewTemplateRenderer is the class responsible for rendering templates in this package. By default, it integrates the Blade compiler, but it is fully customizable. You can replace the Blade compiler with your own implementation or use a simple stub to enable support for plain PHP template files.

4.1) Built-in Blade integration

Blade is an elegant and powerful template engine originally designed for Laravel.

However, since it isn't available as a standalone package, this package includes its own Blade compiler.

It provides full support for Blade's key features while remaining completely independent of Laravel.

The following Blade tokens are supported:

  1. Displaying: {{ $var }} and {!! $var }}
  2. IF Conditions: @if, @else, @elseif, @endif
  3. Switch conditions: @switch, @case, @break, @default, @endswitch.
  4. Loops: @foreach, @endforeach, @for, @endfor, @break.
  5. Helpers: @selected, @checked, @class.
  6. PHP-related: @use, @php, @endphp.

Visit the official Blade docs to learn about their usage.

Notes on the standalone Blade implementation

You may have come across packages that attempt to adapt the official Blade engine by creating stubs for its Laravel dependencies, such as the jenssegers/blade package. However, we chose not to adopt this approach for several reasons:

  • PHP Version Requirements: It mandates PHP 8.2 or higher.
  • External Dependencies: It introduces additional external dependencies.
  • Potential Breakage: It can become unstable with future Laravel updates (as demonstrated by past incidents.
  • Limited Flexibility: Since it wasn’t designed as a standalone component, it lacks some of the customization abilities.
  • Global functions: Laravel's implementation includes global helper functions, which becomes a problem when you need to scope the package.

Thanks to great Blade's conceptual design, our compiler implementation required fewer than 200 lines of code.

4.2) View Renderer setup

use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewTemplateRenderer;

$viewTemplateRenderer = new ViewTemplateRenderer();

echo $viewTemplateRenderer->renderTemplate('/my-template.blade.php', [
    'var' => true

Tip #1: by default, BladeTemplateRenderer is configured to work with files, but you can also switch it to work with plain strings:

use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewTemplateRenderer;
use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewTemplateRendererConfig;

$viewRendererConfig = new ViewTemplateRendererConfig();

$viewTemplateRenderer = new ViewTemplateRenderer($viewRendererConfig);

echo $viewTemplateRenderer->renderTemplate('@if($var)The variable is set.@endif', [
    'var' => true

Tip #2: As you see, the built-in TemplateRenderer implementation is fully standalone and independent of the Views class. This means that even if you can't or don't want to use the model-driven approach, you can still utilize it as an independent Blade compiler.

4.3) Available View Renderer settings

The ViewTemplateRenderer supports a variety of settings that let you customize features such as escaping, error handling, and more:

use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewTemplateRenderer;
use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewTemplateRendererConfig;

$viewRendererConfig = (new ViewTemplateRendererConfig())
// By default, the Renderer expect a file name.
// Set to false if to work with strings
    ->setTemplateErrorHandler(function (array $eventDetails): void {
        // Can be used for logging, notifying, etc.
    ->setCustomOutputEscapeCallback(function ($variable): string {
        if (
            false === is_string($variable) &&
            false === is_numeric($variable)
        ) {
            return '';

        // htmlspecialchars is the default one.
        return htmlentities((string)$variable, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
        'sum' => function (int $a, int $b): string {
            return (string)($a + $b);
        'variable' => 'value',
    ->setCompilerExtensionCallback(function (string $template): string {
        // note: just an example, @use is supported by default.
        return (string)preg_replace('/@use\s*\((["\'])(.*?)\1\)/s', '<?php use $2; ?>', $template);

$viewTemplateRenderer = new ViewTemplateRenderer($viewRendererConfig);

4.4) Custom View Renderer modules

By default, the ViewTemplateRenderer creates module instances using classes from the current package, including the Blade compiler.

If you need to override the default module behavior, you can define a custom implementation in the configuration. The ViewTemplateRenderer will use the specified implementation.

Tip: You can see the full list of the modules in the ViewTemplateRendererModules.

Example: Overriding the default Blade compiler to use plain PHP views

use Prosopo\Views\Interfaces\Template\TemplateCompilerInterface;
use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewNamespaceConfig;
use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewTemplateRenderer;
use Prosopo\Views\View\ViewTemplateRendererConfig;
use Prosopo\Views\ViewsManager;

class CompilerStubForPlainPhpSupport implements TemplateCompilerInterface
    public function compileTemplate(string $template): string
        return $template;

// ...

$viewTemplateRendererConfig = new ViewTemplateRendererConfig();
    ->setTemplateCompiler(new CompilerStubForPlainPhpSupport());

$viewTemplateRenderer = new ViewTemplateRenderer($viewTemplateRendererConfig);

$views = new ViewsManager();

$viewNamespaceConfig = new ViewNamespaceConfig($viewTemplateRenderer);
    ->setTemplatesRootPath(__DIR__ . './templates')

$views->registerNamespace('MyApp\Models', $viewNamespaceConfig);

Now this namespace is configured to deal with plain PHP template files, while having all the package features, including model-driven approach and template error handling.

5. Benchmark

We conducted a PHP performance benchmark to compare this package with the Laravel's Blade (mocked using jenssegers/blade) and Twig. Here are the results for 1000x renders:

Contestant First Rendering, MS Cached Rendering, MS
prosopo/views (without models) 19.75 19.75 (no cache atm)
prosopo/views (with models) 43.78 43.78 (no cache atm)
illuminate/view (Blade from Laravel) 181.24 56.77 ms
twig/twig 441.13 9.47 ms

We used the following package versions:

Since the benchmark is included in this repository, you can easily run it locally to verify the results.

  1. git clone
  2. composer install; cd benchmark; composer install
  3. php benchmark {1000} - pass your renders count

We encourage you to enhance the benchmark further - feel free to make it more advanced and submit a pull request. We're happy to review and accept contributions! 🚀

6. Contribution

We would be excited if you decide to contribute! Please read the file for project guidelines and agreements.

7. Credits

This package was created by Maxim Akimov during the development of the WordPress integration for Prosopo Procaptcha.

Procaptcha is a privacy-friendly and cost-effective alternative to Google reCaptcha.

Consider using the Procaptcha service to protect your privacy and support the Prosopo team.


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