Zero dependency Instance Factory and Instance Registry for Metadata based Dependency Injection scenarios. Infact = Instance factory.
It solves the programmatic dependency injection problem in a generic way. You must take care of metadata yourself.
npm install @prostojs/infact
import { Infact, createProvideRegistry } from '@prostojs/infact'
const infact = new Infact({
// it is required to provide a `describeClass`
// function that would read metadata
// and provide minimum required meta to
// infact instance
describeClass: classConstructor => {
return {
// only injectable: true classes can be instantiated
injectable: true,
// you may want to save some instances in global registry
// in order to share those among Infact instances
global: false,
// provide registry can override some
// dependencies by string key or by class type itself
provide: createProvideRegistry([
['string key', () => new SomeClass()],
[SomeClass, () => new SomeClass()],
// list of properties (optional)
// used for resolveProp
properties: ['prop1', 'prop2']
// you must provide constructor params descriptions
// you may want to take types from design:paramtypes metadata
constructorParams: [
type: SomeClass,
// considering circular dependency
// design:paramtypes would be undefined
// but you still can provide a type via
// circular function:
type: undefined,
circular: () => CircularDepClass,
// to utilize provided by string key dependencies
// you may use `inject` property
type: SomeClass,
inject: 'string key',
// describeProp (optionally) used tp
// read prop metadata
describeProp: (classConstructor, key) => {
return {
// return property metadata
// resolveParam is optional function that is used for constructor params.
// you might want to use this function to inject some constants or whatever
// additional logic based on some additional resolvers...
resolveParam: ({ paramMeta, classMeta, index, customData }) => {
// must return some value | undefined
// let's say we want to inject every string param with its index value
return paramMeta.type === String ? (index + '') : undefined
// resolveProp is optional function that is used for instance props
// you might want to use this function to inject some constants or whatever
// additional logic based on some additional resolvers...
resolveProp: ({ key, initialValue, propMeta, classMeta, customData }) => {
// must return some value | undefined
// let's say we want to inject every string param with its key
return propMeta.type === String ? key : undefined
// storeProvideRegByInstance is optional flag
// if true it stores computed "provideRegistry" for the original instance
// which allowes to use "getForInstance" method inheriting the
// "provideRegistry" that was used when the original instance was created
storeProvideRegByInstance: true
// after all required metadata fields are mapped to
// TInfactClassMeta interface everything is ready
// to instantiate your classes instances:
const mainInstance = infact.get(MainClass)
// anotherInstance will be created (retrieved) with "provideRegistry" taken from mainInstance
// (only if options.storeProvideRegByInstance flag is true)
const anotherInstance = infact.getForInstance(mainInstance, ClildClass)