This module is part of Swiss Army Kube project. Checkout main repository and contributing guide.
Swiss Army Kube | Contributing Guide
terraform >= 1.1
We do not include xpack, so kibana does not require authorization and is available to everyone. It is recommended to enable the oauth module for nginx and set the settings for oauth!
Create Google OAuth keys First, you need to create a Google OAuth Client:
- Go to
- Click Create Credentials, then click OAuth Client ID in the drop-down menu
- Enter the following:
Application Type: Web Application
Name: Grafana
Authorized JavaScript Origins:
Authorized Redirect URLs:
Replace with the URL of your Grafana instance.
- Click Create
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret from the ‘OAuth Client’ modal
module "efk" {
depends_on = [module.argocd]
source = ""
cluster_name = module.eks.cluster_id
argocd = module.argocd.state
domains = local.domain
kibana_conf = {
"ingress.annotations.kubernetes\\.io/ingress\\.class" = "nginx"
"ingress.annotations.nginx\\.ingress\\.kubernetes\\.io/auth-url" = ""
"ingress.annotations.nginx\\.ingress\\.kubernetes\\.io/auth-signin" = "$host$request_uri"
filebeat_conf = {
"setup.kibana" = {
"host" = ""
"setup.dashboards.enabled" = true,
"setup.template.enabled" = true,
"" = "filebeat",
"setup.template.pattern" = "filebeat-*",
"setup.template.settings" = {
"index.number_of_shards" = 1
"setup.ilm.enabled" = "auto",
"setup.ilm.check_exists" = false,
"setup.ilm.overwrite" = true,
"filebeat.modules" = [
"module" = "system",
"syslog" = {
"enabled" = true
"auth" = {
"enabled" = true
"filebeat.inputs" = [
"type" = "container",
"paths" = [
"stream" = "all",
"processors" = [
"add_kubernetes_metadata" = {
"host" = "$${NODE_NAME}",
"matchers" = [
"logs_path" = {
"logs_path" = "/var/log/containers/"
"filebeat.autodiscover" = {
"providers" = [
"type" = "kubernetes",
"hints.enabled" = true,
"templates" = [
"condition.equals" = {
"kubernetes.labels.logging" = true
"config" = [
"type" = "container",
"paths" = [
"exclude_lines" = [
"condition.equals" = {
"kubernetes.labels.logtype" = "nginx"
"config" = [
"module" = "nginx",
"access" = {
"enabled" = true,
"var.paths" = [
"error" = {
"enabled" = true,
"var.paths" = [
"processors" = [
"add_cloud_metadata" = null
"decode_json_fields" = {
"fields" = [
"process_array" = false,
"max_depth" = 1,
"target" = "",
"overwrite_keys" = true,
"add_error_key" = true
"drop_event" = {
"when" = {
"not" = {
"contains" = {
"kubernetes.pod.labels.logging" = "true"
"drop_event" = {
"when" = {
"regexp" = {
"message" = "(?i)kube-probe/1.18+"
"drop_event" = {
"when" = {
"regexp" = {
"message" = "(?i)ELB-HealthChecker/2.0"
No requirements.
Name | Version |
aws | n/a |
helm | n/a |
kubernetes | n/a |
local | n/a |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
argocd | A set of values for enabling deployment through ArgoCD | map(string) |
{} |
no |
cluster_name | A name of the Amazon EKS cluster | string |
null |
no |
config_path | location of the kubeconfig file | string |
"~/.kube/config" |
no |
domains | A list of domains to use for ingresses | list(string) |
[ |
no |
elasticDataSize | Request pvc size for elastic volume data size | string |
"30Gi" |
no |
elasticMinMasters | Number of minimum elasticsearch master nodes. Keep this number low or equals that Replicas | string |
"2" |
no |
elasticReplicas | Number of elasticsearch nodes | string |
"3" |
no |
elastic_chart_version | A Helm Chart version | string |
"7.10.1" |
no |
elastic_conf | A custom configuration for deployment | map(string) |
{} |
no |
filebeat_chart_version | A Helm Chart version | string |
"7.10.1" |
no |
filebeat_conf | A custom configuration for deployment | map(string) |
{ |
no |
kibana_chart_version | A Helm Chart version | string |
"7.10.1" |
no |
kibana_conf | A custom configuration for deployment | map(string) |
{} |
no |
module_depends_on | For depends_on queqe | list |
[] |
no |
namespace | A name of the existing namespace | string |
"" |
no |
namespace_name | A name of namespace for creating | string |
"logging" |
no |
No output.