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VISION 2050 Output

Craig Helmann edited this page May 2, 2019 · 9 revisions

Why are we doing this?

Many of the outputs from VISION 2050 are scripted but the summaries and visualization has all occurred in tools like Microsoft Excel. Over the last week of April, Craig focused time and energy into looking into how R Markdown could be used to summarize the results of the short list measures.

Where is the code?

On Craig's hard drive of course :) - no wait I think it actually got pushed to a GitHub repo at . The script is currently being cleaned and new functional ways of streamlining the code with PURR are being investigated but the code is here if you want to try it.

What do the results look like so far?

The scripting process is still being worked on, but take a quick look at what the summary in Markdown looks like so far:

VISION 2050 Output