Releases: pstephens/
Releases · pstephens/
Fixed broken text in Revelation 17:5
v0.6.4 Fixed sitemap base url bug
This was interfering with google's crawler and should now be fixed.
v0.6.3 Opera Mini bug fix
#33 - Fixed a rendering problem on Opera Mini when a verse was selected.
v0.6.2 - Mobile Friendly
Mobile and web friendly HTML and CSS improvements, including the Opera Mini proxy browser.
v0.6.1 - "Verse of the day" variance by domain name
Merge pull request #27 from pstephens/feature/18-verse-of-the-day VOTD variation by domain name and build and deployment improvements.
v0.6.0 - Added embeddable "verse of the day" feature
#18 - Added more verses.
v0.5.2 - Fixed w3c validation errors
#11 - Fixed HTML validation errors per
v0.5.1 - Responsive CSS design
Merge pull request #10 from pstephens/feature/9-google-analytics Feature/9 google analytics
v0.5.0 - Basic static HTML site
Basic static Bible website with one page per chapter. Hosted at