OpenStreetMapXSim - map simulations library
This is a proof-of-concept prototype WIP version.
Please note that the datasets are currently not part of this repository.
The current version uses Julia 1.0.0
Before using the library you need to install Julia packages, press ]
to go to package manager:
add DataFrames StatsBase SparseArrays Serialization Distributed Dates Random Printf
Additionally OpenStreetMapX and Nanocsv are used:
using Pkg
#optionally add for plotting:
In order to install this library itself:
The creation of this source code was partially financed by research project supported by the Ontario Centres of Excellence ("OCE") under Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP) program, OCE Project Number: 30293, project name: "Agent-based simulation modelling of out-of-home advertising viewing opportunity conducted in cooperation with Environics Analytics of Toronto, Canada.