Play YouTube live streams in any player
flask (can be installed by doing pip install flask)
streamlink (available at path)
Open youtubelive.m3u
Change the ip address in the streamlink to the ip address of the machine running the script
You can also change the port but if you do this you must change the port to match at the bottom of
To add other live streams just add into m3u in the following format
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Channel Name" tvg-id="" tvg-logo="" group-title="YouTube",Channel Name
Or if the channel has multiple live streams you can use the /watch? link however these links will change if the channel stops and restarts broadcast
You can change tvg-name tvg-logo group-title and channel name and if you want to link to an epg change tvg-id to match your epgs tvg-id for that channel
(The two sample streams link to the epg from UK and USA epgs)
Run the python script
python or python3 if you have the old python2 installed
Script must be running for the m3u to work