Captain is yet another service discovery implementation based on redis. Captain sacrifices a little high availability for simplicity and performance. In most cases, we dont have so many machines as google/amazon. The possibility of machine crashing is very low, high Availability is not so abviously important yet. But the market only provides zookeeper/etcd/consul, they are complex, at least much complexer compared with captain.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import captain.CaptainClient;
public class Service3 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// connect to multiple captain servers
List<ServiceItem> origins = new ArrayList<ServiceItem>(2);
origins.add(new ServiceItem("localhost", 6789));
origins.add(new ServiceItem("localhost", 6790));
CaptainClient client = new CaptainClient(origins);
// CaptainClient client = new CaptainClient("localhost", 6789); single captain server"service1", "service2") // define service dependencies
.failover("service1", new ServiceItem("localhost", 6100), new ServiceItem("localhost", 6101)) // incase there's no service1 provided
.provide("service3", new ServiceItem("localhost", 6300, 30)) // provide a service with expiring age of 30s
.observe(new IServiceObserver() { // add event observer for service status change
public void online(CaptainClient client, String name) { // dependent service is ready for service $name
public void allOnline(CaptainClient client) { // all dependent service is ready
System.out.println("service3 is ready");
System.out.println("service1").urlRoot()) // now select the service you want
System.out.println("service2").urlRoot()) // now select the service you want
public void kvUpdate(CaptainClient client, String name) {
public void offline(CaptainClient client, String name) { // for servcie downgrade
.keepAlive(5) // provided service heartbeat interval for keepalive
.checkInterval(1000) // check interval for watching dependent services
.stopBeforeExit() // cancel service before jvm quit
.watchKv("project_settings") // watch key value update
.waitUntilAllOnline() // let start method block until all dependent services are ready
.start(); // start connect to captain server
client.hang(); // wait for ctrl+c