Captain is yet another service discovery implementation based on redis. Captain sacrifices a little high availability for simplicity and performance. In most cases, we dont have so many machines as google/amazon. The possibility of machine crashing is very low, high Availability is not so abviously important yet. But the market only provides zookeeper/etcd/consul, they are complex, at least much complexer compared with captain.
import "fmt"
import ""
type Observer struct {
name string
func (this *Observer) Online(client *gocaptain.CaptainClient, name string) {
println(name + " is ready")
func (this *Observer) AllOnline(client *gocaptain.CaptainClient) {
println( + " is all ready")
println(client.Select("service1").UrlRoot()) // now select the service your want
func (this *Observer) Offline(client *gocaptain.CaptainClient, name string) {
println(name + " is offline")
func (this *Observer) KvUpdate(client *gocaptain.CaptainClient, key string) {
fmt.Printf("%v:%v", key, client.GetKv(key))
func main() {
// connect multiple captain servers
client := gocaptain.NewCaptainClientWithOrigins(
gocaptain.NewServiceItem("localhost", 6789),
gocaptain.NewServiceItem("localhost", 6790))
// client := gocaptain.NewCaptainClient("localhost", 6789) // connect single captain server
client.Watch("service1", "service2", "service3") // define service dependencies
.Failover("service1", NewServiceItem("localhost", 6100)) // provided failover services
.Provide("service4", gocaptain.NewServiceItemWithTtl("localhost", 6400, 30)) // provide service with ttl of 30s
.Observe(&Observer{"service"}) // observe status change of service dependencies
.KeepAlive(10) // keepalive heartbeat in seconds for provided service
.CheckInterval(1000) // check service dependencies with 1000ms interval
.WaitUntilAllOnline() // let Start method block until all dependent services are ready
client.Hang() // hang just for test
client.Stop() // cancel provided service