#Miniso Cheap But Works!
Maybe the Simplest Web Framework Of Java Universe !
import miniso.JettyConfig;
import miniso.JettyServer;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JettyConfig config = new JettyConfig();
JettyServer server = new JettyServer(config);
server.route(router -> {
router.get("/hello", (req, res) -> {
res.html("hello, world!");
- jetty
- freemarker
- fastjson
JettyConfig config = new JettyConfig();
.setAcceptors(1) // accept connection threads
.setSelectors(2) // read write connection threads
.setWorkers(10) // handle http request threads
.setStaticPrefix("/static") // static resource url prefix
.setClasspathStaticDir("/static") // static resource directory in classpath
.setExternalStaticDir("/whatever") // static resource directory in file system
.setTemplateDir("/pages"); // freemarker template directory in classpath
JettyServer server = new JettyServer();
server.route(router -> {
router.get("/hello", (req, res) -> {});
router.post("/hello", (req, res) -> {});
router.child("/math", math -> { // sub modules
math.get("/add", (req, res) -> {});
math.get("/sub", (req, res) -> {});
math.get("/mul", (req, res) -> {});
math.get("/div", (req, res) -> {});
Company company = new Company();
router.child("/company", company::route) // sub modules using class
class Company {
public void hire(Request req, Response res) {}
public void dismiss(Request req, Response res) {}
public void route(JettyRouter router) {
router.get("/hire", this::hire);
router.get("/dismiss", this::dismiss);
JettyServer server = new JettyServer();
server.route(router-> {
router.get("/google", (req, res) -> {
throw new Redirect("http://www.google.com");
router.get("/facebook", (req, res) -> {
throw new NotFound("well, it's gone!");
router.get("/twitter", (req, res) -> {
throw new Forbidden("well, it's forbidden!");
.error(NotFound.class, (req, res, exc) -> {
.error(Forbidden.class, (req, res, exc) -> {
.error(ParamError.class, (req, res, exc) -> {
JettyServer server = new JettyServer();
server.route(router -> {
router.get("/hello/json", (req, res) -> {
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
context.put("hello", "world");
router.get("/hello/tpl", (req, res) -> {
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
context.put("hello", "world");
res.template("hello.ftl", context);
router.get("/hello/text", (req, res) -> {
res.html("hello, world!");
JettyServer server = new JettyServer();
server.route(router -> {})
.before((req, res) -> {}) // global before filter
.after((req, res) -> {}) // global after filter
.before(path, (req, res) -> {}) // before filter of specified path
.after(path, (req, res) -> {}) // after filter of specified path
// if any filter return false, subsequently filters and route handle will not be executed
- global before filters
- before filters of specified path
- route handle of specified path
- global after filters
- after filters of specified path
JettyServer server = new JettyServer();
server.route(router -> {
router.get("/hello", (req, res) -> {
int a = req.int32("a");
long b = req.int64("b", 1L);
boolean c = req.bool("c");
String d = req.string("d");
List<Integer> e = req.int32s("e");
int f = req.crack("f").checkInt32(value -> {
return value >= 0;
List<String> g = req.crack("g").checkStrings(value -> {
return value.length > 10;
// illegals will throw ParamError
- https not supported yet!
- restful style url matching not supported!
- too simple, too naive!
- don't use me! just for inspiration!