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Label Buster

The Label Buster is a product that allows you to better understand requirements for selling food in QLD.

Table of Contents

About The Project

This project is a single page application embedded within a Squiz Matrix page. It uses to manage both the rendering and back end of the application, and SWE components to achieve the design.

Built With


How do I change user authentication?


Formio User Management


Squiz Matrix User Management


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Something is broken

The subheadings will hopefully tell you where you will be able to find the issue.


Validations are under src/validation make sure update them run the build and then copy paste the build version into formio. Formio doesn't always copy all actions and has a habit of mangling some content.


The navigation is built from the form, so make sure you have named all the steps in the wizard. Also make sure that the formio wrapper is in place and check that the API of formio hasn't had a breaking change.

Form not loading

Formio occasionally ends output of the json too early. We have observed but been unable to document when this occurs. Try a hard refresh.

Samples not updating

Firstly check the above, if the form doesn't properly load there is an notification in the console (warning level). If the json is being returned properly the most likely situation is that someone has made a change to a validation or sample field and not tested it. Check the javascript is valid with your IDE and try building again and pasting.

Something else

Debugging is difficult, formio catches almost all of its errors in warnings and tries to continue. Try removing content if you have samples not updating or an error with submit. Check that the actions have been copied across. [MORE INFO REQUIRED]

Maintenance / Add features

This project is a single page application leveraging the following technologies:

  • ES Modules
  • Lit HTML
  • SASS
  • Parcel Plus more.

When starting this project we had issues with the code being reverted or lost by formio we decided to keep a copy of the majority of the parts in the code repository where it could be properly maintained. The output of the build process provides a minified copy to paste into formio.


Assets includes the svg's that were povided by Queensland Health.


  • button-group.js
  • formio-wrapper.js
  • help-guide.js

The button group is responsible for building the navigation menu.

The formio wrapper is responsible for talking to formio and building the data for the button groupt

The help guide is entirely standalone and needs the resources and the config in index.js to be re-used.


These are for the help guide, these parts are shown on the specified pages these pages are mostly html with a few triggers for the help guide to function.


This contains directories for each section, under those directories you will find sass file for styling for that section and a html for the view. Where the resource contains more information or interactivity these sections have been split up.

The PDF section contains all the parts for the PDF view. These are similar but not the same as the other sections.


This is were scripts that augment SWE functionality go.


This is where the main styles go


Since formio was subject to change and unreliable as a code repository and difficult to work with as a product the javascript validations have been stored here, they are built and then outputted from the dist directory same as the other parts that are pasted into formio.


The shell of the application includes the index.html file and the index.js file. These setup the SPA similar to most modern frontend stacks.

The config.js is where the majority of the application level configuration goes.

The environment.js is where the environment settings go, leverages url to determine environment.



Standard workflow with branched of feature or bug and then submit pull requests back into the master branch.

CI/CD Pipelines

Circle CI is the pipeline leveraged through github, while providing base standard actions it is most useful with bash.

Test contents - Nodejs

name: Test

    branches: ['!develop', '!uat']
    branches: [master]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

        node-version: [12.x]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Cache
        uses: actions/cache@v2.1.3
          # A list of files, directories, and wildcard patterns to cache and restore
          path: node_modules
          # An explicit key for restoring and saving the cache
          key: foodpantry-labelbuster-node_modules-${{ hashFiles('package-lock.json') }}
          restore-keys: foodpantry-labelbuster-node_modules

      - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
      - run: npm install
      - run: npm run lint
      - run: npm run build
      - run: npm run test

This runs on branches that aren't develop and UAT as they need to tested. The code setup says use node 12, and pre-built actions checkout v2. Then runs npm scripts listed.

Returns success or failure

Publish contents

name: Publish

    branches: [develop, uat]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

        node-version: [12.x]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Cache
        uses: actions/cache@v2.1.3
          # A list of files, directories, and wildcard patterns to cache and restore
          path: node_modules
          # An explicit key for restoring and saving the cache
          key: foodpantry-labelbuster-node_modules-${{ hashFiles('package-lock.json') }}
          restore-keys: foodpantry-labelbuster-node_modules

      - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
      - run: npm install
      - run: npm run lint
      - run: npm run build
      - run: npm run test

      - name: Archive artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: dist
          path: |

      - name: Deploy code
        run: ./
          GH_DIRECTORY: 'dist'
          GH_REPO: ${{ secrets.TARGET_REPO }}
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
        if: success()

      - name: Trigger Webhook
        uses: distributhor/workflow-webhook@v1.0.5
          webhook_url: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_URL }}
          webhook_secret: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_SECRET }}
        if: success()

After setting up similar to test this then runs deploy code which actually just triggers a shell script code after pulling in the environment of target repo and github token, meaning different repos can use this code and trigger deployment.

Once that is completed the code is then meant to trigger a webhook, and it does fire it at the correct URL but permissions have so far blocked a complete test of this functionality.

This simple script pulls in environment variable or parameters for testing on the command line. Once the push is complete the exit is zero and the process continues, missing parameters will result in an error.

#! /bin/bash

if [ -n "$GH_DIRECTORY" ]; then

echo $directory;

if [ -n "$GH_REPO" ]; then

echo $repo;
if [ -n "$GH_TOKEN" ]; then
echo $token;

if [ -z "$directory" ] || [ -z "$repo" ] || [ -z "$token" ]
  echo "Some or all of the parameters are empty";
  echo "Usage: $0 directory repo token";
  echo "Repo SSH format like:";
  exit 1;

current_branch=$(git branch --show-current)
echo $current_branch
cd $directory;
echo $PWD;
echo "Creating repo from $directory"
git init
git remote add origin https://$token@$repo
echo "$repo set as remote";

git config ""
git config "Deployment Bot"

git checkout -b "${current_branch}"
git add .
git commit -m 'Automated build'
echo "git push origin ${current_branch}"
git push origin "${current_branch}" -f

Webhook with SQUIZ

The webhook of pulling code into SQUIZ uses the standard SQUIZ webhook trigger and does a copy of the code.


Formio has no integration with CI in any way, so to put code into formio one has to rely on copy + paste. The ensure that the code is minified and as small as possible on delivery the code is minified in the build on your development machine so you can easily copy and paste it to the right locations.

Project Structure

This section details about the project structure and how the development was done.

  • Using the "Wizard" form in
  • Name-spacing CSS Styles.
  • Versioning forms as JSON.


  • Global styles/JS for Form in Squiz.

Development and build tools

The following tools were decided on for this project


Eslint configuration is an extension on the Airbnb rules adding a more rigid development environment, leveraging auto format and auto correct these rules allow for a more consistent better documented codebase.


Prettier is the code formatter of choice for javascript, it is the fastest way to resolve code formatting issues and help the team focus on solving problems.

OpenWC Tester

Pre-configurated testing using Karma.


Blazing fast zero configuration web application bundler

This means that the developers can work on individual files commit those files and when deploying bundle those files ready to use.



Getting Started

This is how to get started with what you need to contribute to the application.


  1. Access to Squiz
  2. Access to (Form Wizard project)
  3. Access to SWE documentation (


  1. Get the repostory.
git clone


Any How-to's for contributing to specific parts of the project. Guides on how to develop components/features.

Setting up Squiz with

To set up Squiz with you must embed the JavaScript as a raw html content block in Squiz.. TODO: Show examples on how


This project calls for Formio to be setup as a CMS for the form, allowing faster changes of the form without the need for a developer resource. is not a developer centric platform therefore the front-end is not easily extensible and the support team suggest using as a backend only. The requirements for this project stipulate that isn't to save collected data.

To this end we need to:

  • Create a wrapper around the API to expose useful functionality in a way that doesn't pollute the single responsibility of the other parts of the app
  • Create button, menu and help generating sections of the application
  • Leverage as a CMS
  • Contribute to SWE to allow it to work within the "application" nature of

Documentation for Formio Wrapper


Given the task to leverage formio the team decided a wrapper around the formio provided the flexibility needed to achieve the required outcome and helped overcome some perceived shortcomings with the base Formio.js API that make it difficult to extend for custom development

We do expect further implementation of tweaks to make formio behave as the users expect and additions to this wrapper could include missing functionality like the reapply css selection we have kept separate for now.


The formio wrapper has no external dependencies and uses pure es6 javasccript (framework agnostic) to accomplish the task. The formio wrapper is designed to be an external npm dependency to your appliction. Your application components can communicate with the formio wrapper through the events.

  • formiowrapperGoToNext
  • formiowrapperGoToPrevious
  • formiowrapperCancel
  • formiowrapperGoToPage
  • formiowrapperSendAdminEmail

To fire extra events for other parts of your application to respond to you would use the configuration extraTriggersOnActions This would then fire the extra event and your application can respond accordingly.


The main way to alter the functionality of the wrapper is to configure it differently. The configuration object is passed in as follows.

const wrapper = new FormioWrapper(configuration);

The best way to modify the configuration is to create a config.js and import it like this.

import { configuration } from './config';

It is best to use native es module imports rather than other types of importing.

Here is an example config:

export const configuration = {
  form: {
    baseElement: window,
    queryElement: document,
    formioConfig: {
      showCancel: false,
      showPrevious: false,
      showNext: false,
      showSubmit: false,
    adminEmail: '',
    endpoint: 'submission',
    pdfEndpoint: 'pdf',
    selector: '#formio',
    title: 'Title',
    location: '',
    baseLocation: 'asdf',
  scroll: {
    target: 0,
    type: 'auto',
    focusTarget: '#focusTarget',
  terms: {
    title: 'terms',
    termsStorageType: sessionStorage,
    termsStorageName: 'name',
    skipIfTermsAlreadyAccepted: true,
    dataName: 'termsteerms',
  buttons: {
    overwriteFirstButton: true,
    overwriteValue: 'Go',
    showButtonsOnLast: true,
    css: {
      base: 'baseClass',
      previous: 'previous-class',
      next: 'next-class',
      cancel: 'cancel-class',
  navigation: {
    baseClass: 'navigationclass',
  storage: {
    type: localStorage,
    name: 'storagenameforcompletion',
  extraTriggersOnActions: {
    next: 'checkForAutoEmail',

Each part will now be detailed

Element Default Description
baseElement window This is the base element, most of the time you would leave this to window, unless you are using webcomponents or are writing tests.
queryElement document This is the query element, best to leave that as is unless you are using webcomponents. This is for querying for focus and scolling.
formioConfig {} This is the config used to control formio's buttons, these are best being turned off, as our navigation can be styled
adminEmail '' This is the admin email address, which can be triggered by the formiowrapperSendAdminEmail event.
endpoint 'submission' This is used to build the submission object, to submit to the formio backend. ${this.config.form.baseLocation}${this.config.form.pdfEndpoint}/${this.config.form.endpoint};
pdfEndpoint 'pdf' This is used to build the pdf formio form (since formio needs pdf in a separate form)
selector '#formio' This is the query selector.
title 'Title' This is the title of the form
location '' This is the location of the original form.
baseLocation 'asdf' This is the base location to build several locations like below ${this.config.form.baseLocation}${this.config.form.pdfEndpoint}/${this.config.form.endpoint};
scroll {} This is the object that deals with the properties of the scroll top and focus on page change
target 0 This is the target in pixels from the top of the page, you can scroll to another element by changing it
type 'auto' This is the scroll types, auto and smooth are the available options at the time of writing this. (As per javascript)
focusTarget '#focusTarget' This is the ID of the target element for the focus. This helps with a11y.
terms {} This is a special terms and conditions view configuration. Use this to setup a page/view a special conditional page that the user must agree to.
title 'terms' This is the title of the view, it is used to match to run the conditions for terms and conditions views.
termsStorageType sessionStorage This is the type of storage used to see if the user has accepted terms and conditions optioins are sessionStorage and localStorage (as per javascript)
termsStorageName 'name' The name that the storage stores the condition under.
skipIfTermsAlreadyAccepted true Do we skip the view if the user has already accepted the terms and conditions?
dataName 'anythingyoulike' This is the name for the terms checkbox on the formio side.
buttons {} This is for the configuration of the navigation buttons to replace formio controls as they don't style well.
overwriteFirstButton true This overwrites the first button, instead of saying next it can say whatever value you set.
overwriteValue 'Go' This contains the overwrite value for the first button.
showButtonsOnLast true This flag determines if you have the buttons cancel and back on the last view.
css {} This is the button css classes so that your buttons have the right classes.
base 'baseClass' This is the class string applied to all buttons.
previous 'previous-class' This is the class string applied to all previous buttons
next 'next-class' This is the class string applied to all next buttons
cancel 'cancel-class' This is the class string applied to all cancel buttons
navigation {} This is the configurations specifically for the alternate step menu, specifically for styling.
baseClass 'navigationclass' This is the class string applied to all steps returned.
storage {} This the storage setup for completed topics and extended for form data
type localStorage Storage type is as above for other storage types.
name 'storagenameforcompletion' This is the name for the storage on completion. As in if you have completed a multi form you can show it as done.
extraTriggersOnActions {} This object has several extra triggers on actions, leave blank for none but this way you can trigger something after a formio action like go to next or check to see if you should trigger and admin email. Options are previous, next, goto, and cancel.
next 'checkForAutoEmail' Eg. This triggers an event inside your application that you can fire functions from.

Documentation for Button Group and Step Navigation


The button group was used as formio buttons are difficult to style properly.

The button group is framework agnostic and but uses lit-html to emulate some of the functionality of a true web component. However is just a light-dom javascript object.

This functionality was extended to work with the step navigation of the form steps.


This imports lit element from a npm module like this.

import { html, render } from 'lit-html';

To use the button group include it in your index.js like so.

import { ButtonGroup } from './thelocation/button-group';

Then make sure you initialise the button group.

const bg = new ButtonGroup(document.querySelector('.button-container'));

Your html will need a target.

<div class="button-container"></div>

Extension - Step navigation.

To use the step navigation part of the button group you only need to create the target like above and intialise like this:

const sectionNavigation = new ButtonGroup(sectionNavTarget, 'navigation');

Finding the target for the inject depends on the use case.

Documentation for Help Guide


The Help Guide is a component which allows supplementary content to be deployed along side the main form content. It also supports interaction between links in the main content and sections within the guide to allow users to find information quicker.

In supports multiple states based on user interaction and form state. It requires the Formio Wrapper to be deployed along side it to support these state updates.


The Help Guide has no external dependencies and uses ES6 class to encapsulate all state and functionality related to it.


Kind: global class

new HelpGuide(target, config)

Param Type Description
target HTMLElement the DOM target for the help guide to render it's template result
config Object an object containing views and initialState setting of menu
config.views Object an object which can describe an initial property and any number property which correlates to a step. The value of initial should be the initial view to render, and the value of any numbered step describes the view rendered for the subsequent steps.
config.initialState string describes what view should be rendered first and if the menu should be open. Currently includes 'minimized', 'active' and other which will will default to onboarding.
config.displayOnSteps Array An array of what steps of the wizard the help guide should render
config.formWrapper FormioWrapper An instance of the wrapper to listen to.


const hg = new HelpGuide(document.getElementById('help-guide'), {
  views: {
    initial: initialView,
    3: mainView,
    4: nameView,
    5: businessView,
    6: dateMarks,
    7: storageView,
    8: ingredients,
    9: statements,
  initialState: 'onboarding',
  displayOnSteps: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
  formWrapper: lb,

How to use Help Guide

This is an example of what is required to get started.

import { HelpGuide } from './components/help-guide';
import mainView from './components/partials/help-guide-lb-main';
import initialView from './components/partials/help-guide-lb-initial';

const hg = new HelpGuide(document.getElementById('help-guide'), {
  views: {
    1: initialView,
    2: mainView,
    3: mainView,
  initialState: 'active',
  displayOnSteps: [1, 2, 3],
  formWrapper: new FormioWrapper(config),

The a view should consist of a function that returns html, such as the lit-html template below:

export default () => html` <div class="main-content">some-html</div> `;