The Todo web application was built using PostgresQL - Express - React - Nodejs (PERN) tech stack
1/ Create account and Login for personal dashboard
2/ Create, edit, remove todo tasks
3/ Search for keywords
4/ Filter by Complete/Incomplete tasks
5/ Email todo list to your email
Table users:
Table todos:
I will update an SQL setup script later, currently database can be set up manually like this:
-> Open PosgresQl and run:
$psql --username postgres
-> enter your password
$CREATE DATABASE finalproject;
(enable uuid_generate_v4() extension to use)
$CREATE TABLE users( user_id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), user_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, user_email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, user_password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (user_id) );
$CREATE TABLE todos( todo_id SERIAL, user_id UUID, description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, status BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY (todo_id), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id) );
$touch back-end/.env
jwtSecret = "yoursecretstring"
DBpassword = "yourDataBasePassword"
DatabaseURL = "yourDataBaseName"
$docker-compose up --build
-> cd into the front-end directory
$cd todo
$npm install
$npm start
-> cd into the back-end directory
-> create your env variables
$touch .env
jwtSecret = "yoursecretstring"
DBpassword = "yourDataBasePassword"
DatabaseURL = "yourDataBaseName"
$cd back-end
$npm install
$nodemon server.js