MuOnline Game CMS system
MuOnline website that supports all seasons from 1-12 including IGCN server files. It has all that you need to run MuOnline gaming server with a template system and 8 unique built in templates it to suits your needs.
1st Run Script.sql file into your query analyzer
2nd Put the website into the main directory, not in sub-folder, some files use "Directory Root" as a destination and you may have problems with images and files including
3rd Edit your php.ini file and set file_upload to "ON"
4th Replace your SQL connecting credentials in configs/config.php
5th Default admin account and password are in table GM_Accounts where 1= Normal GM (gm panel restrictions), 2= Qualified GM, 666 = Admin. First time edit it manually and then from the admin panel.
6th Edit Market Settings and change the encryption key
7th Follow the tooltips to change any other settings
Some notes for all seasons version:
- It support all PHP versions from 5.2 to 7.0
- Paypal issue with IPN has been fixed
- Iteminfo function is working properly with all season gears but some special items such as seed spheres, errtels and pets need more work.
- Web Storage is working with all seasons
- Market is working properly with all seasons
- Jewel depositor is working only with item hex lenght 20
- Auction works only with item hex lenght 20
- Item adder is working only with item hex lenght 20
Support PHP versions 5.2 with mssql extension to - 7.2 with proper sqlsrv drivers installed and activated.
At this link you can find all releases
DTweb 2.0 r00tme versions 0.3-1.18 / Google Drive
Payment Systems "How To" Video Tutorials:
News Page
Registration Page
Lost password page
Downloads Page
Rankings Page
Banned List
Warned List
Hof Ranking
Server Info
Info About Server
Server Statistics
Info Page
Info About Character
Info About Guild
Rules Page
Logs System
Template System
Language System
Events Timer System
Players Ranking
Guilds Ranking
Killers Ranking
Online Ranking
BC Ranking
DS Ranking
Sky-event Ranking
Quest Ranking
Online Players
Top Online Rankings
[Account Panel]
Account Logs
Reset System
Buy Jewels
Add Stats
Reset Stats
PK Clear
Zen Bank
Jewel Bank
Web Storage
Web Market
Web Auction
Lotto game
Change password
[Admin Panel]
Auction Config
Market Config
Add/Edit/Delete news
Jewel Bank Config
Buy Jewels Config
Add Ban
Add Warning
Edit Account Warehouse and stats
Edit Character Inventory and stats
Web depositor config
Logs module
[VIP Panel]
Buy Credits
[Payment Systems]
Live Demo DTweb 2.0
User: test
Pass: test