Welcome to the Github page of the Advanced System Design Project by Raghad Zeidan.
Python version 3.8.0
Docker version 19.03.6+
docker-compose version 1.17.1+
Cloning github repository
$ git clone git@github.com:raghadzeidan/cortex.git
$ cd cortex/
Run installation script and activate virtual enviroment
$ . ./scripts/install.sh
$ source .env/bin/activate
Run tests to make sure everything is working ok
$ pytest tests/
Run the run-pipeline.sh script that is found in the main directory.
$ . run-pipeline.sh
The final project includes a client, which streams cognition snapshots to a server, which then publishes them to a message queue, where multiple parsers read the snapshot, parse various parts of it, and publish the parsed results, which are then saved to a database. The result in the database is then reflected by an API, CLI and GUI.
After installing everything, run the client on a ".mind" or ".mind.giz" file that represents snapshots and run:
$ python -m cortex.client upload-sample /path/to/file
After the snapshot has been updating by the client, A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is available on http://localhost:8080, as well as a Command Line Interface (CLI) by querying like such:
$ python -m cortex.cli get-users
{"user_id": 1, "username": "Raghd Zeidan"}
$ python -m cortex.cli get-user 1
"user_id": 1, "username": "Raghd Zeidan", "birthday": "1997-10-13", "gender": "m"
View the full documenation of modules and functions here.