- Kubernetes Cluster version 1.27+
- Kubectl access
Create jmeter cluster. Script inputs are
(for default press enter) &Slave count
(Default count depends on worker nodes)../jmeter_cluster_create.sh
Create grafana, reporter & Influxdb for dashboard (optional)
To access the Grafana dashboard use LB url from grafana service. Or use Kube port-forward to access.
kubectl port-forward svc/jmeter-grafana 3000
To generate Grafana-reporter add reporter endpoint
as dashboard link. Visual guide. Or use port-forward both to access.kubectl port-forward svc/jmeter-grafana 3000 8686
To Start jmeter load test
./start_test.sh <jmx_file_path>
To run the load test
./start_csv_copy.sh <jmx_dir> ./start_csv_test.sh <jmx_dir>
To copy the results file as
To stop the load test during the execution
- Edited namespace as default
- Added grafana-reporter as a sidecar container in grafana's k8s deployment
- Grafana datasource (influxdb) & dashboard provisioning automated
- Added LB support to grafana service
- Move kube manifest separate directory
- Separated csv copy & load test function
- Added support to generate native jmeter report & copy back to local
- "Load Testing Jmeter On Kubernetes" medium blog post: https://goo.gl/mkoX9E
- Original Github repo: https://github.com/kubernauts/jmeter-kubernetes
- Grafana-reporter - https://github.com/IzakMarais/reporter