Small bash script to populate descriptions for git branches from a Bugzilla's setup.
Set the following environment variables to match with your Bugzilla's setup:
- BUGZILLA_URL = Your Bugzilla's URL. URL should end with xmlrpc.cgi, such as http://bugzilla/xmlrpc.cgi
- BUGZILLA_USERNAME = Your Bugzilla's username
- BUGZILLA_PASSWORD = Your Bugzilla's password
Shell script has some variables you might want to customize:
- FILE - Location of temporary text file created by python-bugzilla
- BUGPREFIX - Prefix when matching Bugzilla's bug number with git's branch name (defaults to bug). If value is kept as default and say that we want to update the branch corresponding to Bugzilla's bug number 100, a branch named bug100 must exist, otherwise branch won't have description set.
- BUGZILLA - Path for python-bugzilla <COMMAND>
<COMMAND> is one or more of the following:
-s Show git branches with their descriptions
-g Populate git branches with Bugzilla's information