Description: MF Screener is a Java-based application designed to provide mutual fund screening capabilities. It allows users to fetch mutual fund data, including historical NAVs, scheme details, and portfolio information, through a set of RESTful APIs.
- Clone the repository.
- Ensure Java 17, docker and gradle are installed.
- Navigate to the project directory and follow steps at run-locally to start the application.
- Fetch mutual fund schemes:
GET /api/scheme/{schemeName}
- Upload portfolio details:
POST /api/portfolio/upload
- Calculate XIRR:
GET /api/xirr/{pan}
- ISIN - International Security Identification Number
- PAN - Personal Account Number
- CAS - Consolidated Account Statement
class NAVController {
+getSchemeNavOnDate(schemeCode, date)
class SchemeController {
class PortfolioController {
+getPortfolio(panNumber, date)
class XIRRCalculatorController {
class SchemeService {
class PortfolioService {
+getPortfolioByPAN(panNumber, asOfDate)
class NavService {
+getNavOnDate(schemeCode, inputDate)
class LocalDateUtility {
NAVController --> SchemeService : uses
SchemeController --> SchemeService : uses
PortfolioController --> PortfolioService : uses
XIRRCalculatorController --> NavService : uses
SchemeService --> LocalDateUtility : uses
PortfolioService --> LocalDateUtility : uses
NavService --> LocalDateUtility : uses
This overview and class diagram provide a conceptual understanding of the project's structure. For detailed class relationships and method signatures, please refer to the source code directly.
./gradlew clean test integrationTest
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
./gradlew bootRun -Plocaldocker
./gradlew bootRun -Plocal
You can run
from your IDE directly.
You can also run the application using Gradle as follows:
./gradlew spotlessApply bootTestRun
- Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- Actuator Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/actuator
- PgAdmin (UI for Postgres Database) : http://localhost:5050 (
- Grafana : http://localhost:3000 (admin/admin)
- JobRunr Dashboard: http://localhost:8000/dashboard/overview
- To check redis keys from docker issue below command
docker exec -it docker-redis-1 redis-cli> keys *
how to read CAS Data using casparser
- Install phyton
- install casparser using command
pip install casparser
- generate json using below command and upload to system
Here 2nd argument is the path of the pdf file, followed by password of CAS file and the output Type needed
casparser 42103626220211831ZFFDEPR3H0RBD644686241F761CPIMBCP142488446.pdf -p ABCDE1234F -o pdf_parsed.json