A curated list of awesome Pika resources
- @pika/pack - Publish great npm packages
- A Future Without Webpack
- Unrolled: Introducing the Pika REPL
- Tree-Shaking without a Bundler? Here's how Snowpack Does It!
- Introducing: Pika CDN + Deno
- Hackernews: Pika - A JavaScript package registry for the modern web
- Pika/Pack and the Future of Front-end Development
- Pika/Pack is a new approach to npm package building
- @Pika/web Frees Modern Web Development from the Complexity of Package Building
- Pika Brings Zero-Configuration Bundling and Publishing for NPM Packages
- Pika Project Launches New JavaScript CDN to Serve Modern, ESM Packages
- Stackshare Comparison: gulp vs Pika Pack vs Webpack
- Building without bundling: How to do more with less
- Hackernews: Pika/web: Web Apps Without the Bundler