Powershell Module for working with Azure DevOps
Install the Power Shell Model from the gallery
Install-Module -Name Posh-AzureDevOps
or Clone/Download the files from the repository into a specific folder and then run the script ".\Import-AzDoModules.ps1".
This will import all of the modules correctly so they can be executed like any standard powershell command.
Next use the Connect-AzDo
command to create a connection to your Azure DevOps instance. This will create a connection and setup the environment so all other calls can be made without needed to pass connection details in explicity.
$conn = Conntet-AzDo -OrganizationUrl <Org URL> -ProjectName <project name> -PAT <PAT token with full access>
This module provides a way to work with most of Azure DevOps from PowerShell. It is broken out by functional areas (Builds, Libraries, Projects, Releases, Repos, Security, and Work Items).
- Connect-AzDo
- Add-AzDoBuildPipelineVariable
- Get-AzDoBuildDefinition
- Get-AzDoBuildPipelineVariables
- Get-AzDoBuilds
- Get-AzDoBuildWorkItems
- Remove-AzDoBuildPipelineVariable
- Add-AzDoVariableGroupVariable
- Add-AzDoVariableGroupResourceAssignment
- Get-AzDoVariableGroupResourceAssignment
- Get-AzDoVariableGroupRoleDefinitions
- Get-AzDoVariableGroups
- Import-AzDoVariableGroupVariables
- New-AzDoVariableGroupVariables
- Remove-AzDoVariableGroupVariable
- Remove-AzDoVariableGroup
- Remove-AzDoVariableGroupResourceAssignment
- Set-AzDoVariableGroupPermissionInheritance
- Get-AzDoProjectDetails
- Get-AzDoProjects
- Add-AzDoReleasePipelineVaraibleGroup
- Add-AzDoReleasePipelineVariable
- Get-AzDoRelease
- Get-AzDoReleaseDefinition
- Get-AzDoReleasePipelineVariableGroups
- Get-AzDoReleasePipelineVariables
- Get-AzDoReleaseWorkItems
- Remove-AzDoReleasePipelineVariable
- Get-AzDoRepoBranches
- Add-AzDoSecurityGroupMemeber
- Get-AzDoSecurityGroupMemebers
- Get-AzDoSecurityGroups
- Get-AzDoTeamMembers
- Get-AzDoTeams
- Get-AzDoUserDetails
- Get-AzDoUsers
- New-AzDoSecurityGroup
- New-AzDoTeam
- Remove-AzDoSecurityGroup
- Remove-AzDoSecurityGroupMemeber
- Remove-AzDoTeam
- Connect-AzDo
- Get-AzDoActiveConnection
For some quick background, check out this blog article: http://itramblings.com/2019/03/managing-vsts-tfs-release-definition-variables-from-powershell/
This script will do a bulk import from a CSV file into a specific Azure DevOps Variable group.
- AzDoConnect - The current connection to AZDO
- csvFile - The full path to the csv file (see below for format)
- VariableGroupName - The name of the variable group in the library to work with
- EnvrionmentNameFilter - The specific environment to import (set to * to import everything in the csv file)
- Reset - Tells the script to clear out all existing values in the variable group before importing new value
- Force - Tells the script to create the variable group if it does not already exist
CSV File Format
The format of the CSV file must be as follows
SomeVariable, SomeValue, DEV01
SomeVariable, SomeValue, DEV02
SomeVariable, SomeValue, UAT
SomeVariable, SomeValue, PROD