There is a script 'ddl.sql' in project root for creating DB / tables. Connection string, username and password are in
There are 2 profiles in project: 'dev' (default) and 'mock'. And since Maven is already included in project, they should be run with
- mvnw spring-boot:run
- mvnw spring-boot:run -Pmock
Difference is that 'mock' itself serves a small quantity of data via MockController (in the mock package), and by calling 'Task 1's endpoint could be seen how response timeouts are handled, because the mocked endpoint creates delays, and on 2 endpoints repeatedly returns HTTP 408 response statuses.
Default profile fetches data from endpoints listed in the specification.
- Task 1: GET http://localhost:8081/mop-test-assignment/data
- Task 2: GET http://localhost:8081/mop-test-assignment/response-time-averages
There are 2 switches (on/off) in that toggle WebFlux's internal logging: 'log.webclient' and 'log.r2dbc'. They are initialy off, but they could be switched on to see more clearly what is happening regarding threads, asynchronicity and non-blocking nature of the implementation.