This API is composed by 3 Key Sub Projects, which are:
Also, you can find a Telegram Bot, ready to use, All you need to do is provide your Bot Token and Username.
For more details about each module, please visit its README file.
The SNAPSHOT artifacts can be used by configuring the following maven repository:
You can rely on the hot reload feature, you just need to start it in the dev
mode from the rebot-telegram
mvn clean compile quarkus:dev \
-Dxyz.rebasing.rebot.telegram.token=<BOT_TOKEN> \
This project uses a similar Java code style than
- Native compilation when using embedded H2 database:
- General error: "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: H2 database compiled into a native-image is only functional as a client: can't create an Embedded Database Session" [50000-197]
- quarkusio/quarkus#27021
Feel free to raise a issue.