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This is a plugin for Day.js that allows for Date calculations to take place that only consider Business Days i.e Monday to Friday

  • Calculate if date is a Business Day
  • Add/Subtract Business Days
  • Calculate difference between dates in Business Days
  • Get Next/Prev Business Day
  • Get all Business Days/Weeks in a Month
  • Get the last Business Day of a month
  • Based off of moment-business-days
  • Forked from dayjs-business-days and converted to TypeScript

Current CI/CD Status

Node.js CI NPM Publish


Getting Started

The following guide will help you use the plugin with Day.js, and explain the plugins API.


Day.js version 1.x installed


You can install via Yarn or npm

yarn add dayjs-business-days2
npm install dayjs-business-days2

Usage Guide

You will need to import the plugin and activate it via the Day.js .extend() function

import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import dayjsBusinessDays from 'dayjs-business-days2';


isHoliday() => Boolean

Check if the date is a holiday. Returns true or false

// Add holidays to plugin options
const options = {
  holidays: [`2020-12-25`],
  holidayFormat: `YYYY-MM-DD`,
dayjs.extend(businessDays, options);

// Christmas day is a Friday
dayjs(`2020-12-25`).isHoliday(); // returns true

isBusinessDay() => Boolean

Check if the date is a business day. Returns true or false

// Christmas day is a Friday
dayjs(`2020-12-25`).isBusinessDay(); // returns true

// Boxing day is a Saturday
dayjs(`2020-12-26`).isBusinessDay(); // returns false

isAdditionalWorkingDay() => Boolean

Check if the date is an additional working day. Returns true or false

// Add holidays to plugin options
const options = {
  additionalWorkingDays: [`2023-01-28`],
  additionalWorkingDayFormat: `YYYY-MM-DD`,
dayjs.extend(businessDays, options);

// Check
dayjs(`2023-01-28`).isAdditionalWorkingDay(); // returns true

businessDaysAdd(number) => Day.js Object

  • number {Number} Number of Business Days to be added

Adds the number of Business Days to the current date. Returns the new date as a Day.js object

dayjs(`2020-12-25`).businessDaysAdd(3).format(`DD/MM/YYYY`); // returns 30/12/2020

businessDaysSubtract(number) => Day.js Object

  • number {Number} Number of Business Days to be subtracted

Subtracts the number of Business Days from the current date. Returns the new date as a Day.js object

dayjs(`2020-12-30`).businessDaysSubtract(3).format(`DD/MM/YYYY`); // returns 25/12/2020

businessDiff(date) => Number

  • date {Day.js Date} The date to be diffed from

Calculates the number of business days between a Day.js date and date. Returns the difference as a positive or negative number.

dayjs(`2020-12-25`).businessDiff(dayjs(`2020-12-30`)); // returns -5
dayjs(`2020-12-30`).businessDiff(dayjs(`2020-12-25`)); // returns 5

nextBusinessDay() => Day.js Object

Calculates the next Business Day. Returns a Day.js object

// 25th December 2020 is a Friday. Next business day is Monday 28th December.
dayjs(`2020-12-25`).nextBusinessDay().format(`DD/MM/YYYY`); // returns 28/12/2020

prevBusinessDay() => Day.js Object

Calculates the previous Business Day. Returns a Day.js object

// 28th December 2020 is a Monday. Previous business day is Friday 25th December.
dayjs(`2020-12-28`).prevBusinessDay().format(`DD/MM/YYYY`); // returns 25/12/2020

businessDaysInMonth() => [Day.js Object]

Calculates all of the business days in a given month. Returns an array of Day.js objects

// returns equivalent of [dayjs(`2020-12-01`), dayjs(`2020-12-02`), ...]

lastBusinessDayOfMonth() => Day.js Object

Calculates the last Business Day of the month. Returns a Day.js object

// 30th September 2021 is a Thursday and is the last business day of the month.
dayjs(`2021-09-01`).lastBusinessDayOfMonth().format(`DD/MM/YYYY`); // returns 30/09/2021

businessWeeksInMonth() => [[Day.js Object]]

Calculates all of the business weeks and days in a given month. Returns an two dimensional array of Day.js objects

// returns equivalent of
// [
//   [dayjs(`2020-12-01`), dayjs(`2020-12-02`), ...],
//   [dayjs(`2020-12-07`), dayjs(`2020-12-08`), ...],
//   ...
// ]

getWorkingWeekdays() => [number]

Returns an array of numbers representing the current days fo the week that are considered business days

dayjs.getWorkingWeekdays(); // returns [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

setWorkingWeekdays() => void

Sets the days of the week that are considered business days to the given array of numbers where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday

dayjs.setWorkingWeekdays([ 0, 3, 4, 5 ]);

getHolidays() => [string]

Returns an array of strings representing the currently set holidays

const options = {
  holidays: [`2020-12-25`],
  holidayFormat: `YYYY-MM-DD`,
dayjs.extend(businessDays, options);

dayjs.getHolidays(); // returns [ `2020-12-25` ]

setHolidays() => void

Sets the holiday list to the given array of strings

dayjs.setHolidays([ `2020-12-25`, `2021-01-01` ]);

getHolidayFormat() => string

Returns a string representing the currently expected holiday format

const options = {
  holidays: [`2020-12-25`],
  holidayFormat: `YYYY-MM-DD`,
dayjs.extend(businessDays, options);

dayjs.getHolidayFormat(); // returns `YYYY-MM-DD`

setHolidayFormat() => void

Sets the holiday list to the given a string


getAdditionalWorkingDays() => [string]

Returns an array of strings representing the currently set additional working days

const options = {
  additionalWorkingDays: [`2023-01-28`],
  additionalWorkingDayFormat: `YYYY-MM-DD`,
dayjs.extend(businessDays, options);

dayjs.getAdditionalWorkingDays(); // returns [ `2023-01-28` ]

setAdditionalWorkingDays() => void

Sets the additional working day list to the given array of strings Additional working days are days that your business is open outside of your regular working weekdays.

dayjs.setAdditionalWorkingDays([ `2023-01-28`, `2023-01-29` ]);

getAdditionalWorkingDayFormat() => string

Returns a string representing the currently expected additional working day format

const options = {
  additionalWorkingDays: [`2023-01-28`],
  additionalWorkingDayFormat: `YYYY-MM-DD`,
dayjs.extend(businessDays, options);

dayjs.getAdditionalWorkingDayFormat(); // returns `YYYY-MM-DD`

setAdditionalWorkingDayFormat() => void

Sets the additional working day format to the given a string


Local Development and Contributing

I am more than happy to accept PRs for bugs, improvements or new features. Developing your own changes locally is easy, you just need to clone the repo

git clone

cd dayjs-business-days

and install the dependencies with either npm or yarn

npm i

Tests can be ran with the test script

npm run test
yarn test