CI #475
on: workflow_dispatch
Matrix: call-check / check
53 errors and 180 warnings
call-check / check (ar)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (cs)
Unknown target name: "systém pro sledování hlášení o chybách<>". [docutils]
call-check / check (cs)
Unknown target name: "jak pomoci s dokumentací<>". [docutils]
call-check / check (cs)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (da)
Unknown interpreted text role "kilde". [docutils]
call-check / check (da)
Unknown interpreted text role "kilde". [docutils]
call-check / check (da)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (el)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (de)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (es)
Unknown interpreted text role "cfunc". [docutils]
call-check / check (es)
Unknown interpreted text role "cfunc". [docutils]
call-check / check (es)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (es_419)
Unknown interpreted text role "fuente". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_419)
Unknown interpreted text role "fuente". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_419)
Unknown target name: "docutils <>". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_419)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (es_CO)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (fa)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Unknown interpreted text role "término". [docutils]
call-check / check (id_ID)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (hu)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (id)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (ko)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (ja)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (nb)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (ps)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (pt)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (ru)
Unknown interpreted text role "member". [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
Unknown interpreted text role "member". [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
Unknown target name: "visit". [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
Unknown target name: "список кросс-платформенных<>". [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
Undefined substitution referenced: "6)(Адрес". [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
Unknown interpreted text role "member". [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
Unknown interpreted text role "member". [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (pt_BR)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (si_LK)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (tr)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (uk)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (zh)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (zh-Hans)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (zh_CN)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (zh_TW)
Process completed with exit code 2.
call-check / check (ar)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`type hint`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ar)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`bytecode`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ar)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`reporting-bugs`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ar)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`contribute <contributing-to-python>`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ar)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyList_New`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ar)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ar)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ar)
inconsistent footnote references in translated message. original: ['[#]_'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ar)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ar)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (cs)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`tracker <using-the-tracker>`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (cs)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: [], translated: ['`Systém pro sledování hlášení o chybách<>`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (cs)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: [], translated: ['`Jak pomoci s dokumentací<>`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (da)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`reStructuredText`_', '`Sphinx`_'], translated: ['`reStructuredText`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (da)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`reporting-bugs`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (el)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`tutorial-index`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (el)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (el)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (el)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`library-index`', ':ref:`reference-index`', ':ref:`extending-index`', ':ref:`c-api-index`'], translated: [':ref:`library-index`', ':ref:`extending-index`', ':ref:`c-api-index`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (el)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`library-index`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (de)
Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (de)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (de)
Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (de)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':exc:`BaseException`', ':exc:`Exception`', ':exc:`Exception`', ':exc:`SystemExit`', ':meth:`sys.exit`', ':exc:`KeyboardInterrupt`'], translated: [':exc:`BaseException`', ':exc:`Exception`', ':exc:`Exception`', ':exc:`SystemExit`Ausnahme, die von :meth:`sys.exit`', ':exc:`KeyboardInterrupt`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (de)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (de)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (de)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (es)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyList_New`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyObject_Init`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_419)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`reStructuredText`_', '`Sphinx`_'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_419)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: [], translated: ['`Docutils <>`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_CO)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (es_CO)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`reStructuredText`_', '`Sphinx`_'], translated: ['`Sphinx`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_CO)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (fa)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (fa)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (fa)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`history-and-license`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (fa)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (fa)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`reporting-bugs`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (fa)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (fa)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (fa)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (fa)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (fa)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`contribute <contributing-to-python>`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_ES)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`iterator`', ':term:`generator`', ':mod:`itertools`', ':mod:`functools`'], translated: [':term:`iterator`s y :term:`generator`s y módulos de librerías relevantes como :mod:`itertools`', ':mod:`functools`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`reStructuredText`_', '`Sphinx`_'], translated: ['`reStructuredText`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`reporting-bugs`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_ES)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`Documentation bugs`_'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_ES)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:macro:`Py_None`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Inline strong start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (es_ES)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (id_ID)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (id_ID)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (id_ID)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':mod:`hashlib`', ':ref:`all constructors take a "usedforsecurity" keyword-only\nargument disabling known insecure and blocked algorithms\n<hashlib-usedforsecurity>`'], translated: [':mod:`hashlib`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':func:`super`'], translated: [':class:`Szulo2`', ':class:`Szulo3`', ':class:`Szulo1`', ':class:`Szulo1`', ':class:`Szulo2`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`keyword arguments <keyword argument>`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`tut-tuples`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':func:`range`'], translated: [':func:`range`', ':keyword:`break`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`typesseq`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':func:`set`'], translated: [':func:`set()`', ':func:`set()`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`list comprehensions <tut-listcomps>`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`bltin-exceptions`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`tut-classes`', ':exc:`Exception`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (hu)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`library-index`', ':ref:`reference-index`', ':ref:`extending-index`', ':ref:`c-api-index`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (id)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':mod:`msvcrt`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (id)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`Cython`_', '`CFFI`_'], translated: ['`Cython`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (id)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (id)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (id)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (id)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (id)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`contribute <contributing-to-python>`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (id)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyList_New`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (id)
Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (id)
Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`history-and-license`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ko)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`history-and-license`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Inline emphasis start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ko_KR)
Inline literal start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`'], translated: [':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`', ':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`malloc`', ':c:func:`malloc`', ':c:func:`realloc`', ':c:func:`PyErr_NoMemory`', ':c:func:`PyLong_FromLong`', ':c:func:`malloc`'], translated: [':c:func:`malloc`', ':c:func:`malloc`', ':c:func:`realloc`', ':c:func:`PyErr_NoMemory`', ':c:func:`PyLong_FromLong`', ':c:func:`PyErr_NoMemory`', ':c:func:`malloc`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyObject_CallObject`', ':c:func:`PyErr_Clear`'], translated: [':c:func:`Py_DECREF`', ':c:func:`PyObject_CallObject`', ':c:func:`PyErr_Clear`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`'], translated: [':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`', ':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`'], translated: [':c:func:`Py_BuildValue`', ':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`'], translated: [':c:func:`Py_BuildValue`', ':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`', ':c:func:`Py_BuildValue`'], translated: [':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`', ':c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`', ':c:func:`Py_BuildValue`', ':c:func:`Py_BuildValue`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`Py_INCREF`'], translated: [':c:func:`Py_INCREF`', ':c:func:`Py_INCREF`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`asynchronous generator iterator`', ':keyword:`async def`', ':keyword:`yield`', ':keyword:`async for`'], translated: [':term:`asynchronous generator iterator`', ':keyword:`async def`', ':keyword:`yield`', ':keyword:`yield`', ':keyword:`async for`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ja)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`generator iterator`', ':keyword:`yield`', ':func:`next`'], translated: [':term:`generator iterator`', ':keyword:`yield`', ':keyword:`yield`', ':func:`next`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (nb)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (nb)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (nb)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (nb)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (nb)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`reStructuredText`_', '`Sphinx`_'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ps)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`reStructuredText`_', '`Sphinx`_'], translated: ['`reStructuredText`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ps)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`reporting-bugs`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt)
term not in glossary: 'iteradores' [ref.term]
call-check / check (ru)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyObject_Hash`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ru)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':meth:`~wave.Wave_read.getmark`', ':meth:`~wave.Wave_read.getmarkers`', ':class:`~wave.Wave_read`', ':class:`~wave.Wave_write`'], translated: [':meth:`~wave.Wave_read.getmark`', ':meth:`~wave.Wave_read.getmarkers`', ':class:`~wave.Wave_read`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ru)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyObject_Hash`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ru)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':meth:`~wave.Wave_read.getmark`', ':meth:`~wave.Wave_read.getmarkers`', ':class:`~wave.Wave_read`', ':class:`~wave.Wave_write`'], translated: [':meth:`~wave.Wave_read.getmark`', ':meth:`~wave.Wave_read.getmarkers`', ':class:`~wave.Wave_read`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ru)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`Python Packaging User Guide`_', '`packaging Python projects`_'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ru)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyRun_SimpleString`', ':c:func:`PyRun_SimpleFile`'], translated: [':c:func:`PyRun_SimpleString`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (ru)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (ru)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (pt_BR)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: ['Availability'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (si_LK)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (si_LK)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (si_LK)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`reStructuredText`_', '`Sphinx`_'], translated: ['`Sphinx`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (si_LK)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (si_LK)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`reporting-bugs`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (si_LK)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (tr)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`reStructuredText`_', '`Sphinx`_'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (tr)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`reporting-bugs`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (tr)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (tr)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (tr)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`contribute <contributing-to-python>`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (tr)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`tracker <using-the-tracker>`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (tr)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (tr)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (tr)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ["`Python Developer's Guide`_", '`core-mentorship mailing list`_'], translated: ['`Python Geliştirici kılavuzu`_'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (tr)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyObject_Init`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (uk)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`asynchronous iterator`', ':meth:`~object.__anext__`', ':keyword:`yield`'], translated: [':term:`асинхронний ітератор`', ':meth:`~object.__anext__`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (uk)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`REPL`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (uk)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`automatically enabled <rlcompleter-config>`', ':meth:`~object.__getattr__`'], translated: [':meth:`~object.__getattr__`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (uk)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':term:`f-strings <f-string>`', ':ref:`type parameter syntax <whatsnew312-pep695>`', ':keyword:`type`', ':term:`generic types\n<generic type>`', ':term:`type aliases <type alias>`'], translated: [':term:`f-рядок <f-string>`', ':keyword:`type`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (uk)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`PEP 695 <whatsnew312-pep695>`', ':keyword:`type`'], translated: [':keyword:`type`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (uk)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':meth:`~object.__lt__`', ':meth:`~object.__le__`', ':meth:`~object.__gt__`', ':meth:`~object.__ge__`', ':meth:`~object.__lt__`', ':meth:`~object.__eq__`'], translated: [':meth:`~object.__lt__`', ':meth:`~object.__le__`', ':meth:`~object.__ge__`', ':meth:`~object.__lt__`', ':meth:`~object.__eq__`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (uk)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':data:`sys.byteorder`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (uk)
term not in glossary: 'інтерактивної' [ref.term]
call-check / check (uk)
term not in glossary: 'інтерактивної' [ref.term]
call-check / check (uk)
term not in glossary: 'інтерактивної' [ref.term]
call-check / check (zh)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (zh)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (zh)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (zh)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (zh)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':mod:`documented in the Library\nReference Manual <pdb>`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (zh)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (zh)
inconsistent references in translated message. original: ['`reStructuredText`_', '`Sphinx`_'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (zh)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`reporting-bugs`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (zh)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (zh)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':c:func:`PyList_New`'], translated: [] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (zh_CN)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (zh_CN)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':ref:`PEP 667 <whatsnew313-locals-semantics>`', ':func:`locals`', ':attr:`f_locals <frame.f_locals>`'], translated: [':ref:`PEP 667 <whatsnew313-locals-semantics>`', ':func:`locals`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (zh_CN)
Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string. [docutils]
call-check / check (zh_CN)
inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':exc:`OSError`', ':func:`getpass.getuser`', ':exc:`ImportError`', ':exc:`KeyError`'], translated: [':func:`getpass.getuser`', ':exc:`OSError`', ':exc:`ImportError`'] [i18n.inconsistent_references]
call-check / check (zh_CN)
Lexing literal_block '将线程状态保存到一个局部变量中。\n释放全局解释器锁。\n... 执行某些阻塞式的 I/O 操作 ...\n重新获取全局解释器锁。\n从局部变量中恢复线程状态。' as "c" resulted in an error at token: '。'. Retrying in relaxed mode. [misc.highlighting_failure]
call-check / check (zh_CN)
Lexing literal_block 'CREATE TABLE test(\n i integer primary key, ! 将查找名为 "integer" 的转换器\n p point, ! 将查找名为 "point" 的转换器\n n number(10) ! 将查找名为 "number" 的转换器\n )' as "sql" resulted in an error at token: '将'. Retrying in relaxed mode. [misc.highlighting_failure]
call-check / check (zh_CN)
Lexing literal_block '(寻址方案, 网络位置, 路径, 查询, 片段标识符)。' as "python3" resulted in an error at token: '('. Retrying in relaxed mode. [misc.highlighting_failure]
call-check / check (zh_TW)
undefined label: '追蹤系統 1' [ref.ref]
call-check / check (zh_TW)
undefined label: 'shallow copy' [ref.ref]