KameTicket is a platform for managing and selling tickets for events. The platform allows users to explore a variety of events available in their cities, purchase tickets, and stay updated on the latest information about concerts, performances, and more.
npm start
- Starts the application in production mode.npm run start:dev
- Starts the application in development mode with file watch.npm run lint
- Runs the linter to fix code issues.npm run test
- Runs the tests.npm run test:watch
- Runs the tests with file watch.
Run the command npm install
to install all the necessary project dependencies.
- User Registration: Allows users to create accounts with their relevant details.
- Event Creation: Enables organizers to create and publish details of events, including name, description, date, location, and available tickets.
- Event Listing: Provides a list of all available events for users to explore.
- Event Details: Displays in-depth information about a specific event, including its description, date, location, and available tickets.
- Ticket Purchase: Allows users to select and purchase tickets for their desired events.
- User Management: Enables administrators to view, update, and delete user accounts, providing flexibility in user management.
- Event Updates: Allows organizers to modify event details, ensuring accuracy and relevance.
- User Profiles: Provides a space for users to view and edit their profile information.
- User Authentication: Ensures secure access to the platform through authentication mechanisms.
- Error Handling: Implements robust error handling to provide informative feedback to users in case of issues.
- NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications
- TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that adds optional static types to the language. It's used for writing the application code.
- TypeORM: An Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for TypeScript and JavaScript that works with databases like PostgreSQL. It simplifies database interactions.
- Jest: A testing framework for JavaScript and TypeScript. It's used for writing and executing tests.
- ESLint: A static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in JavaScript and TypeScript code.
- Prettier: An opinionated code formatter that ensures code consistency.
- Register User
- /auth/register: Creates a new user based on the data provided in the request body.{ "name": "John Doe", "email": "john@email.com", "password": "12345678", "city": "New York" }
- Login User
- /auth/login: Logs in a user based on the data provided in the request body.{ "email": "john@email.com", "password": "12345678" }
List Events
- /events: Returns a list of all available events. -
Event Details
- /events/:id: Returns the details of a specific event based on its ID. -
Create Event
- /events: Creates a new event based on the data provided in the request body.{ "eventName": "Concert in the Park", "description": "A live music event in the city park", "dateTime": "2023-11-01T18:00:00.000Z", "location": "City Park", "availableTickets": 100, "organizerId": 2 }
Update Event
- /events/:id: Updates the details of an existing event based on its ID. (Only availableTickets can be updated){ "availableTickets": 200 }
Delete Event
- /events/:id: Removes an event based on its ID.
List Users
- /users: Returns a list of all registered users. -
User Details
- /users/:id: Returns the details of a specific user based on their ID. -
Create User
- /users: Creates a new user based on the data provided in the request body.{ "name": "John Doe", "email": "john@email.com", "password": "12345678", "city": "New York" }
Update User
- /users/:id: Updates the details of an existing user based on their ID.{ "city": "Los Gatos" }
Delete User
- /users/:id: Removes a user based on their ID.
- List Tickets
- /tickets: Returns a list of all available tickets. - Ticket Details
- /tickets/:id: Returns the details of a specific ticket based on its ID. - Create Ticket
- /tickets: Creates a new ticket based on the data provided in the request body.{ "eventId": 3, "buyerId": 2, "quantity": 41, "pricePaid": 50.0 }
- Update Ticket
- /tickets/:id: Updates the details of an existing ticket based on its ID.{ "pricePaid": 60.0 }
- Delete Ticket
- /tickets/:id: Removes a ticket based on its ID.
List Orders
- /orders: Returns a list of all available orders. -
Order Details
- /orders/:id: Returns the details of a specific order based on its ID. -
Create Order
- /orders: Creates a new order based on the data provided in the request body.{ "orderItems": [ { "eventId": "3", "quantity": 10, "pricePaid": 20.0 }, { "eventId": "6", "quantity": 1, "pricePaid": 240.0 }, { "eventId": "9", "quantity": 1, "pricePaid": 40.0 } ], "userId": "4" }
Update Order
- /orders/:id: Updates order status based on its ID. (Only status can be updated){ "status": "done" }
Delete Order
- /orders/:id: Removes an order based on its ID.
Feel free to contribute with improvements, bug fixes, or new features. Create a new branch, make your changes, and open a pull request.