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Test of the latest technics of code versioning and files of git course i made

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Folders and files

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28 Commits

Repository files navigation


GitHub Commands:


  • Create a online repository:

    gh repo create

    • E.g:
      • 1º: Create a new repository on Github from scratch
      • 2º: Push an existing local repository to GitHub
        • Path to local repository (default is "." current path)
        • Repository name (default is FolderName)
        • Visibility:
          • Public: Accessible to everyone in internet
          • Private: Only accessible to you, people you explicitly share access with and or Organization repositories, certain organization members
          • Internal: Internal repositories are accessible to all enterprise members
        • Add a remote: (y=Add a new remote connection config to current git project, n=Don't add remote connection config)
        • What should the new remote be called (default is origin)
        • Would you like to push commits from the current branch to "origin"? (y=Push commits to previously configured remote, n=Don't push commits)

GIT Commands:


  • Create a local repository in current cli context folder:

    git init

  • Repository status in current moment:

    git status

    git status -uall

    E.g: -uall Show the hierarchy of dirs and subdirs to be added, updated or removed.

  • Repository changes using LOG gives a more detailed information with file contents:

    git log

  • Add new files/dirs in repository:

    git add file.txt

  • Remove files/dirs from repository (Unstage):

    git rm --cached file.txt|folder

    E.g: --cached Remove from repository without --cached delete from repository and from pc

  • Salvar alterações (Commit):

    git commit -m "Primeiro commit"

    git commit -a -m "Commit alterações"

  • Pull changes from remote:

    git pull

  • Push changes to remote:

    git push origin main

  • Configure GIT email and user name:

    git config --global "Meu Nome de Usuário"

    git config --global ""

  • Configure default GIT branch:

    git config --global init.defaultBranch main

  • List configurations from git project:

    git config --list

  • Show changes in current BRANCH (Changes from respository):

    git show

  • Show changes in a specific file. (Changes from remote and local changes):

    git diff index.html

  • Git Ignore (Ignora pastas e arquivos que não vão ser versionados):


  • List branches:

    git branch

  • Create a new branch as a copy of current branch:

    git switch -c new-branch

  • Change current branch:

    git branch -M main

  • Delete branch:

    git branch -d branch-name

  • Delete remote branch:

    git branch -rd branch-name

  • List local and remote branches:

    git branch -a

  • Push a new branch to it's upstream:

    git push --set-upstream origin branch_name

  • List git remote repos name | url:

    git remote -v

  • Add new git remote po name | url:

    git remote add origin

  • Switch branch to (Rollback / Forward) changes to a specific commit(using commit hash) in git log:

    git checkout b451asd

  • Switch to a new branch and create it:

    git checkout -b main

  • Switch to a existing branch:

    git checkout -b main

  • Switch to a existing branch and move uncommited changes to the branch:

    git switch -c new-branch

  • Save old commits in a new branch before Overwriting:

    git checkout main

    git branch my-brach-name

  • Overwrite local changes using repo changes:

    git fetch --all

    git reset --hard <remote>/<branch>

  • If some error happens create a temporary branch commit changes in it then get changes from main and merge this two branches

    git branch temp-branch

    git checkout main

    git merge temp-branch

    git push origin master

  • Solving Merge Conflicts

  • After pulling the changes when a conflict occurs the conflict is shown in the files in this format:

    print("Ola mundo")
    <<<<<<< HEAD
    print("My new line")
    print("Nova linha")
    >>>>>>> 8050fd126537c51cd5288e5b40dfcd2aa66528e4
    - From line <<<<< HEAD until line ====== Are your version changes in the file.
    - From line ===== until >>>>>>> 8050fd126537c51cd5288e5b40dfcd2aa66528e4 are the other
    commit that is conflicting at same lines in your commit files.
    • Fix the issue in the file by deleting the changes you don't want and keeping the changes you want then run the commands:

    git commit -m "Commit description"

    git push


Test of the latest technics of code versioning and files of git course i made






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