Runs a headless version of the YACreader library server in a container, using the alpine base image.
When starting the image it will attempt to locate an existing YACreader library and automatically add it before starting the server. If an existing library is not found a new one will be created.
The image has a cron job setup that runs the YACreader update-library command every 10 minutes, to add new files to the library.
The docker image is also available to be pulled from the GitHub container registry.
docker run --rm \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v /path/to/comics:/comics \
version: '3'
container_name: docker-yacreader-libraryserver
image: richardbristow/docker-yacreader-libraryserver
restart: unless-stopped
- /path/to/comics:/comics
- 8080:8080