- 🌱 I’m currently learning building Intelligent Systems. So all about MLOps, DevOps and Machine Learning frameworks I would love to know! Some technologies that I'm digging into right now are:
- https://github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow
- https://github.com/iterative/cml
- https://github.com/jina-ai/jina
- https://github.com/airbnb/knowledge-repo
- https://github.com/dsys/match
- https://github.com/andresionek91/airflow-autoscaling-ecs
- https://github.com/MaterializeInc/materialize
- https://github.com/visenger/awesome-mlops
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on research projects, Machine Learning algorithms and MLOps technologies. I also enjoy event organization with a focus on individual technological empowerment.
🤔 I’m looking for help with learning and applying Kubeflow and Tensorflow Javascript.
📫 How to reach me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardoms or here at github :)
⚡ Fun fact: I worked as a Hotel Manager.