Accounts is a Django app handles essential user security
- Email verification upon register
- Phone is enforced and mandatory "handled by Twilio sms service"
- Device access location "handled by geoip2 and maxmind db"
- Activity stream for user access
Indeed it is opinionated user app as follows:
- User class is AbstractUser has a Profile foreign key
- Profile with has fields like photo and date_of_birth
Check the docs for deep details.
Add "accounts" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'accounts', ] TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': ['accounts/templates'], ... }]
Include the accounts URLconf in your project like this:
path('accounts/', include(('accounts.urls', 'accounts'), namespace='auth'))
- Note: mind the namespace as it is used in templates and testing.
Set mandatory settings:
# refers to the user model AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'accounts.User' MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "media") MEDIA_URL = '/media/' # this is on-demand auth backends AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = [ 'accounts.authentication.EmailAuthBackend', 'accounts.authentication.PhoneAuthBackend', 'accounts.authentication.UsernameAuthBackend', ] # your favorite email backend # just for testing it is set to console EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' # maxmind db required # follow GEOIP_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'path/to/maxmind/db') # Twilio required sms validation # get keys from TWILIO_API_KEY = "" TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = "" TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER = ""
python migrate
to create the accounts models.Start the development server and visit