A web crawler that lists or downloads resources
Without global install:
npx pagerip https://www.example.com -o -d
With global install:
npm i -g pagerip
pagerip https://www.example.com -o -d
node ./pagerip-cli.js [path1] [path2] [path-n] [-o [output file path]] [-d [download path]] [-p [default protocol]] [-c [crawl extensions]] [-i]
Usage examples:
node ./pagerip.js https://www.example.com -o
node ./pagerip.js https://www.example.com -o ./output.txt
node ./pagerip.js https://www.example.com -d
node ./pagerip.js https://www.example.com -d ./download/
node ./pagerip.js https://www.example1.com https://www.example2.com -o ./output.txt -d ./download/ -p http -c html,css -i
-o | output file path | Default: ./output.txt
-d | download while crawling | Default: ./download/
-p | default protocol if undefined | Default: https
-c | crawl url matching extensions | Default: html,css,php,asp,aspx,cshtml,jsp,cgi
-i | ignore certificate errors | Default: false
npm i pagerip
const PageRip = require("pagerip");
//All callbacks are optional
var pagerip = new PageRip({
addUrlCallback: addCallback,
crawlCallback: crawlCallback,
crawlCallback: downloadCallback,
completeCallback: completeCallback,
errorCallback: errorCallback
//Called when a URL is added
function addCallback(url, urlFlags, threadIndex){
//url is String
//urlFlags is Object { isAction:Boolean, isExternal:Boolean, isCrawlable:Boolean} "action" is like "tel:5555555555"
//threadIndex is Number
//Called when a URL is crawled
function crawlCallback(url, threadIndex){
//url is String
//threadIndex is Number
//Called when a URL is downloaded
function downloadCallback(url, filePath, contents, threadIndex){
//url is String
//filePath is String of relative filePath generated from url
//contents is Buffer of response body
//threadIndex is Number
//Called when crawling is complete
function completeCallback(rootUrls, allUrls, externalUrls){
//rootUrls is Array
//allUrls is Array[Array]
//externalUrls is Array[Array]
//Called when an error occurs
function errorCallback(error){
//error is Error with two optional attributes "url" and "fromPage"
var pagerip = new PageRip({
debug:true, //Exposes private methods and constants via public instance
threads:10, //Number of threads for crawl/download queues - This can ONLY be set on initialization
addUrlCallback: addCallback, //Called when a URL is added
crawlCallback: crawlCallback, //Called when a URL is crawled
crawlCallback: downloadCallback, //Called when a URL is downloaded
completeCallback: completeCallback, //Called when crawling is complete
errorCallback: errorCallback, //Called when an error occurs
//Crawl URLs with the following extensions (in addition to no extension)
//Array of root URLs, you probably don't need to modify this
//Array of all URLs, you don't need to modify this but use as a getter
//Array of external URLs, you don't need to modify this but use as a getter