Summer 2017 skill improvement and best practice usage. Blog with Spring Boot, Spring Data MongoDB, JWT authentication.
- Spring Boot as base
- Spring Data as db access technology
- MongoDB as db
- Spring AOP as audit, logging and exception handling technology
- JWT authentication as security
- Apache Maven as project management and comprehension tool
- Checkstyle, PMD, Findbugs as quality checkers
- Travis build for build overview
- Versioneye for dependencies overview
- Coveralls for code coverage overview
- Spring Boot base
- Support for all usable plugins (Checkstyle, PMD, Findbugs)
- Add Versioneye
- Add Coveralls and Travis build
- If you have gradle installed use next
gradle bootRun
- Otherwise
./gradlew build
java -jar build/libs/dreg-heap-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar