A C++ text formatting and transcoding library.
Header-only by default, but can be used as a static library as well ( see details ).
Learn by examples ( if you just wanna have an glance )
Tutorial ( good starting point, if you actually want learn about it )
Quick reference ( if you are already using it )
Full Header references ( if you need to get into the details )
is a lightweight and freestanding header that defines thedestination
class template. All other headers depend on this one.<strf.hpp>
is the main header. It can be used in a freestanding environment, whereas the headers bellow can not.<strf/iterator.hpp>
defines an output iterator adapter for thedestination
class template.<strf/to_string.hpp>
adds support for writting tostd::basic_string
. It includes<strf.hpp>
adds support for writting toFILE*
. It includes<strf.hpp>
adds support for writting tostd::basic_streambuf
. It includes<strf.hpp>
include all of the headers above.
Benchmarks ( versus {fmt} )
From version 0.16 onwards, C++11 is no longer supported. The compiler must support C++14 or above.
Strf has been tested in the following compilers:
- Clang 6.0
- GCC 6.5.0
- Visual Studio 2019 16
- NVCC 11.8
- Basic examples
- Alignment formatting
- Single character argument
- Numeric Formatting
- Numeric Punctuation
- Transcoding
- Joining arguments
- Ranges
#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
#include <assert>
constexpr int x = 255;
void basic_samples()
// Creating a std::string
auto str = strf::to_string(x, " in hexadecimal is ", *strf::hex(x), '.');
assert(str == "255 in hexadecimal is 0xff.");
// Alternative syntax to enable i18n
auto str_tr = strf::to_string.tr("{} in hexadecimal is {}.", x, *strf::hex(x));
assert(str_tr == str);
// Applying a facet
auto to_string_mc = strf::to_string.with(strf::mixedcase);
auto str_mc = to_string_mc(x, " in hexadecimal is ", *strf::hex(x), '.');
assert(str_mc == "255 in hexadecimal is 0xFF.");
// Achieving the same result, but in multiple steps:
strf::string_maker str_maker;
strf::to(str_maker) (x, " in hexadecimal is ");
strf::to(str_maker).with(strf::mixedcase) (*strf::hex(x), '.');
auto str_mc_2 = str_maker.finish();
assert(str_mc_2 == str_mc);
// Writing instead to char*
char buff[200];
strf::to(buff, sizeof(buff)) (x, " in hexadecimal is ", *strf::hex(x), '.');
assert(str == buff);
#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
#include <assert>
void alignment_formatting()
using namespace strf::format_functions;
assert(strf::to_string(dec(123) > 8) == " 123");
assert(strf::to_string(dec(123) < 8) == "123 ");
assert(strf::to_string(dec(123) ^ 8) == " 123 ");
assert(strf::to_string(right(123, 8)) == " 123");
assert(strf::to_string(right(123, 8, '~')) == "~~~~~123");
assert(strf::to_string(left(123, 8, '~')) == "123~~~~~");
assert(strf::to_string(center(123, 8, '~')) == "~~123~~~");
assert(strf::to_u8string(right(123, 8, U'‥')) == u8"‥‥‥‥‥123");
Note: Strf calculates string width the same way as
specified to std::format
in C++20, which takes into account grapheme clustering.
#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
#include <assert>
void single_character_argument()
using namespace strf::format_functions; // strf::multi, strf::right
assert(strf::to_string('a') == "a");
assert(strf::to_string(multi('a', 5)) == "aaaaa");
assert(strf::to_string(multi('a', 5) > 8) == " aaaaa");
assert(strf::to_string(right('a', 8, '.').multi(5)) == "...aaaaa");
// char32_t is implicitly transcoded
assert(strf::to_string(U'a') == "a");
assert(strf::to_u8string(U'\u2022') == u8"•");
assert(strf::to_u8string(multi(U'\u2022', 5) > 8) == u8" •••••");
// strf::to_string(L'a') // doesn't compile: it must be char32_t or
// the same as the destination character type
#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
#include <numbers> // C++20, defines std::numbers::pi
#include <assert>
void numeric_formatting()
using namespace strf::format_functions;
// In printf | In Strf
// Integers
// 'd' | .dec() or dec(value)
// 'o' | .oct() or oct(value)
// 'x' | .hex() or hex(value)
// | .bin() or bin(value)
// Floating Points
// 'x' | hex(value).p(6) or hex(value, 6)
// 'f' | fixed(value).p(6) or fixed(value, 6)
// 'e' 'E' | sci(value).p(6) or sci(value, 6)
// 'g' | gen(value).p(6) or gen(value, 6)
// Integers and Floating Points
// '+' | .operator+()
// '#' | .operator*()
// ' ' | .operator~()
// .precision | .p(precision), or as the second argument of
// | hex(), fixed(), sci() or gen()
// '0' | .pad0(width) or pad0(value, width)
assert(strf::to_string( fmt(1.)) == "1");
assert(strf::to_string( *fmt(1.)) == "1.");
assert(strf::to_string( +fmt(1.)) == "+1");
assert(strf::to_string(+*fmt(1.)) == "+1.");
assert(strf::to_string( ~fmt(1.5)) == " 1.5");
assert(strf::to_string( ~left(1.5, 8, '*')) == "*1.5****");
assert(strf::to_string(sci(1.0)) == "1e+00");
assert(strf::to_string(fixed(1e+10)) == "10000000000");
// Strf prints enough digits for exact recovery on parsing
// regardless of notation
using std::numbers::pi;
assert(strf::to_string(fixed(pi)) == "3.141592653589793");
// , unless a precision is specified
assert(strf::to_string(fixed(pi).p(4)) == "3.1416");
assert(strf::to_string(fixed(pi, 4)) == "3.1416");
assert(strf::to_string(gen(pi, 4)) == "3.142");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// pad0()
assert(strf::to_string(+*pad0(1., 5)) == "+001.");
assert(strf::to_string(+*pad0(1., 5) > 8) == " +001.");
// For nan and inf, pad0 sets the minimum alignment width:
constexpr auto nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
assert(strf::to_string(pad0(nan, 8)) == " nan");
assert(strf::to_string(left(nan, 4, '*').pad0(8)) == "nan*****");
assert(strf::to_string(left(nan, 8, '*').pad0(4)) == "nan*****");
// The strf::lettercase facet
constexpr auto to_string_upper = strf::to_string.with(strf::uppercase);
constexpr auto to_string_lower = strf::to_string.with(strf::lowercase); // default
constexpr auto to_string_mixed = strf::to_string.with(strf::mixedcase);
assert(to_string_upper(*hex(0xaa), " ", sci(1.)) == "0XAA 1E+00");
assert(to_string_lower(*hex(0xaa), " ", sci(1.)) == "0xaa 1e+00");
assert(to_string_mixed(*hex(0xaa), " ", sci(1.)) == "0xAA 1e+00");
#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
#include <strf/locale.hpp> // strf::locale_numpunct
void numeric_punctuation()
// German punctuation
auto s = strf::to_string.with(strf::numpunct_de_DE) (!strf::fixed(1000000.5));
assert(s == "1.000.000,5");
// You have to use format function `strf::punct` or `.punct()`
// or operator! to apply punctuation
s = strf::to_string.with(strf::numpunct_de_DE)
( !strf::fixed(1000000.5), " ", strf::fixed(1000000.5)
, " ", strf::punct(10000), " ", 100000 );
assert(s == "1.000.000,5 1000000.5 10.000 100000");
// Use strf::locale_numpunct to get the
// punctuation of current global locale
try {
const std::locale loc("en_US.UTF-8");
const auto previous_loc = std::locale::global(loc);
const auto loc_punct = strf::locale_numpunct(); // from <strf/locale.hpp>
std::locale::global(previous_loc); // this does not affect loc_punt
const auto result = strf::to_string.with(loc_punct) (*!strf::fixed(1000000.5));
assert(result == "1,000,000.5");
} catch (std::runtime_error&) {
// locale not supported
// Manually specifing a punctuation
constexpr auto my_fancy_punct = strf::numpunct<10>(3)
.decimal_point(U'⎖'); // U+2396
auto s2 = strf::to_u8string.with(my_fancy_punct) (!strf::fixed(1000000.5));
assert(s2 == u8"1•000•000⎖5");
// With variable grouping
constexpr auto my_fancy_punct_2 = strf::numpunct<10>(3, 2, 1)
auto s3 = strf::to_u8string.with(my_fancy_punct_2)
assert(s3 == u8"1•0•0•00•000⎖125");
// Non-decimal bases
constexpr auto my_hex_punct = strf::numpunct<16>(4).thousands_sep('\'');
auto s4 = strf::to_string.with(my_hex_punct)(!strf::hex(0xFFFFFFF));
assert(s4 == "fff'ffff");
#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
void transcoding()
// Converting UTF-16 to UTF-8
auto str_narrow = strf::to_string("He was born in ", strf::transcode(u"خنيفرة"), '.');
assert(str_narrow == "He was born in \xd8\xae\xd9\x86\xd9\x8a\xd9\x81\xd8\xb1\xd8\xa9.");
auto str_u8 = strf::to_u8string(u8"He was born in ", strf::transcode(u"خنيفرة"), u8'.');
assert(str_u8 == u8"He was born in خنيفرة.");
// Converting UTF-8 to UTF-16
assert(strf::to_u16string(strf::transcode(str_narrow)) == u"He was born in خنيفرة.");
assert(strf::to_u16string(strf::transcode(str_u8)) == u"He was born in خنيفرة.");
// Converting UTF-16 to ISO-8859-6
auto str_narrow_2 = strf::to_string.with(strf::iso_8859_6<char>)
( "He was born in ", strf::transcode(u"خنيفرة"), '.');
assert(str_narrow_2 == "He was born in \xce\xe6\xea\xe1\xd1\xc9.");
// Converting char8_t string to ISO-8859-6
auto str_narrow_3 = strf::to_string.with(strf::iso_8859_6<char>)
( "He was born in ", strf::transcode(u8"خنيفرة"), '.');
assert(str_narrow_3 == str_narrow_2);
// Converting UTF-8 to ISO-8859-6
// ( if the source character type is the same as the destination
// character type, the charset must be specified inside strf::transcode() )
auto str_narrow_4 = strf::to_string.with(strf::iso_8859_6<char>)
( "He was born in "
, strf::transcode( "\xd8\xae\xd9\x86\xd9\x8a\xd9\x81\xd8\xb1\xd8\xa9"
, strf::utf8<char> )
, '.' );
assert(str_narrow_4 == str_narrow_2);
// Converting ISO-8859-6 to UTF-16
auto str_u16 = strf::to_u16string
( u"He was born in "
, strf::transcode("\xce\xe6\xea\xe1\xd1\xc9", strf::iso_8859_6<char>)
, u'.' );
assert(str_u16 == u"He was born in خنيفرة.");
// or
str_u16 = strf::to_u16string.with(strf::iso_8859_6<char>)
( u"He was born in "
, strf::transcode("\xce\xe6\xea\xe1\xd1\xc9")
, u'.' );
assert(str_u16 == u"He was born in خنيفرة.");
// Several transcodings in a single statemet
auto str = strf::to_u8string( strf::transcode(u"aaa--")
, strf::transcode(U"bbb--")
, strf::transcode( "\x80\xA4"
, strf::windows_1252<char> ) );
assert(str == u8"aaa--bbb--\u20AC\u00A4");
#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
void joins()
// strf::join makes a sequence of arguments to be treated as one
const char* dirname = "/tmp";
const char* filename = "tmp1234";
auto s = strf::to_string.tr( "Could not open file {}"
, strf::join(dirname, '/', filename) );
assert(s == "Could not open file /tmp/tmp1234");
// join_left, join_center and join_right align several arguments as one
const int value = 255;
s = strf::to_string
( strf::join_center(40, U'.')
( value, " in hexadecimal is ", strf::hex(value) ) );
assert(s == "........255 in hexadecimal is ff........");
// You can also use operators < > ^ to a align a join
auto j = strf::join(value, " in hexadecimal is ", strf::hex(value));
s = strf::to_string(j ^ 40);
assert(s == " 255 in hexadecimal is ff ");
#include <strf/to_string.hpp>
void ranges()
int array[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};
// Basic
auto str = strf::to_string( "--[", strf::range(array), "]--");
assert(str == "--[10203040]--");
// With separator
str = strf::to_string( "--[", strf::separated_range(array, " / "), "]--");
assert(str == "--[10 / 20 / 30 / 40]--");
// With separator and formatting
str = strf::to_string( "--["
, *strf::fmt_separated_range(array, " / ").hex().p(4)
, "]--");
assert(str == "--[0x000a / 0x0014 / 0x001e / 0x0028]--");
// Transforming the elements
auto func = [](int x){ return strf::join('<', strf::pad0(x, 4), '>'); };
str = strf::to_string(strf::range(array, func));
assert(str == "<0010><0020><0030><0040>");
str = strf::to_string(strf::separated_range(array, " ", func));
assert(str == "<0010> <0020> <0030> <0040>");