Checking each day if the month and day are a reserve of the year making today's date a palindrome.
Hello there 👋, thanks for visiting.
I've been a Star Wars fan since I was a kid, so I've had all my adulthood and much of my youth to be fascinated by the primary weapon of the Star Wars universe -- the lightsaber. I started this project to sharpen by digital illustration skills and converted the art to SVGs and collected into this gallery so I could enjoy it online and make the web just a little more fun.
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This site was created with: React, Next.js, Tailwind, Typescript, HTML, and CSS
Tools used to build this site: Figma, Illustrator, VS Code, Github, Netlify, and ChatGPT
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Greg Robleto - @robleto
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- Fix issues with mobile display for not traditional shapes
- Design and add additional lightsabers
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What lightsaber would you like to see added next? Let me know.