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Render to a string like your terminal does by (narrowly) parsing ANSI TTY codes. Intended for use in tests of command line interfaces.


  • supports ruby 2.4 - 3.0.0.preview1, and jruby
  • has no dependencies outside ruby stdlib

Supported codes

Code Description Default
\a bell: suppressed
\b backspace: clear the character to the left of the cursor and move the cursor back one column
\n newline: move the cursor to the start of the next line
\r return: move the cursor to the start of the current line
\t tab: move the cursor to the next multiple-of-8 column
\e[nA move the cursor up n lines n=1
\e[nB move the cursor down n lines n=1
\e[nC move the cursor right n columns n=1
\e[nD move the cursor left n columns n=1
\e[nE move the cursor down n lines, and to the start of the line n=1
\e[nF move the cursor up n lines, and to the start of the line n=1
\e[nG move the cursor to column n. 1 is left-most column n=1
move the cursor to row n, column m. 1;1 is top left corner n=1 m=1
\e[nJ n=0: clear the screen from the cursor forward
n=1: clear the screen from the cursor backward
n=2 or n=3: clear the screen
\e[nK n=0: clear the line from the cursor forward
n=1: clear the line from the cursor backward
n=2: clear the line
\e[nS scroll up n rows n=1
\e[nT scroll down n rows n=1
\e[m styling codes: optionally suppressed with clear_style: false
\e[?2004h enabled bracketed paste: suppressed
\e[?2004l disable bracketed paste: suppressed
\e[200~ bracketed paste start: suppressed
\e[201~ bracketed paste end: suppressed


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tty_string', '~> 1.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tty_string


TTYString.parse("th\ta string\e[3Gis is")
=> "this is a string"

Styling information is suppressed by default:

TTYString.parse("th\ta \e[31mstring\e[0m\e[3Gis is")
=> "this is a string"

But can be passed through:

TTYString.parse("th\ta \e[31mstring\e[0m\e[3Gis is", clear_style: false)
=> "this is a \e[31mstring\e[0m"

Just for fun TTYString.to_proc provides the parse method as a lambda, so:

["th\ta string\e[3Gis is"].each(&TTYString)
=> ["this is a string"]


  • Various terminals are wildly variously permissive with what they accept, so this doesn't even try to cover all possible cases, instead it covers the narrowest possible case, and leaves the codes in place when unrecognized

  • clear_style: false treats the style codes as regular text which may work differently when rendering codes that move the cursor.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake to run the tests and linters. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.