Searches the Geonames database for the corresponding location, takes the coordinates of the first results and sends them to the Darksky API request. Fetches full data if no further endpoint is specified. (/current, / basic, /forecast for detailed requests). e.g. et/helsinki/current
Works the same way as ‘<location>’. (/current; /forecast, /basic for detailed requests) e.g. ru/coordinates/59.4372,24.7454
Coordinates also gives the address of the specified coordinates. Its JSON field is 'address' e.g "19, Väike-Tähe, Kesklinn, Tartu, Tartu maakond, 50103, Eesti",
One request to get data for either the Estonian map (with cities from PM website) or European map. Endpoint respectively /estonia or /europe
/current: displays the current information
/forecast: displays the information for the following week
/basic: displays basic information for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
Every response is in JSON: first element is 'location' and every 'location' has a 'name' attribute. (Coordinates has an 'address' field instead.)
Environment variables:
'DARK_SKY_SUFFIX': '?units=si&lang=et' is default (Estonian).
'GRAYLOG_SERVER_PORT': 12201 is default.
'APP_PORT': 80 is default.
et for Estonian
en for English
ru for Russian
lv for Latvian