Implementations of data structures, sorting and search algorithms in vanilla Java for the Algorithms and Data Structures (IF672) discipline at CIn/UFPE
Data Structure | Status |
Singly Linked List | Implemented |
Doubly Linked List | Implemented |
Dynamic Array | Implemented |
Queue | Implemented |
Stack | Implemented |
Min Heap (binary) | Implemented |
Max Heap (binary) | Implemented |
Binary Search Tree | Implemented |
Adelson-Velskii and Landis' (AVL) Tree | Implemented |
Disjoint Set (union-find) | Implemented |
Hash Table | Implemented |
Bloom Filter | Implemented |
Segment Tree | Implemented |
Fenwick Tree (BIT) | Pending |
Suffix Array | Pending |
Suffix Tree | Pending |
Algorithm | Stability | Status | Remarks |
Insertion sort | Stable | Implemented | Use for small N or partially ordered |
Bubble sort | Stable | Implemented | |
Selection sort | Not stable | Implemented | N exchanges |
Shellsort | Not stable | Implemented | |
Quicksort | Not stable | Implemented | Fastest in practice. Mostly N log N |
Mergesort | Stable | Implemented | N log N guarantee. Big constant factor |
Heapsort (w/ Min Heap) | Not stable | Implemented |
Algorithm | Status |
Binary Search | Implemented |
Algorithm | Status |
Breadth-First Search | Implemented |
Depth-First Search | Pending |
Dijkstra's algorithm | Pending |
Kruskal MSP | Pending |
Prim MSP | Pending |
Bellman–Ford algorithm | Pending |
Floyd–Warshall algorithm | Pending |
Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm | Pending |
Algorithm | Status |
Infix Expressions Evaluator | Pending |
Convex Hull (Graham scan) | Pending |
Strassen algorithm for Matrix multiplication | Pending |
For compiling directly via command-line (No Eclipse or other IDE), do:
$ cd src/shared`
$ javac -sourcepath ..`
$ java -cp .. Rodrigosort.Program
If you're running from the command-line just do:
$ time java Program
If you're running Java within an IDE or something like that, just do:
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// your awesome code comes here...
final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Total execution time: " + (endTime - startTime));
Within your main
- Algorithms Implementations at Princeton University
- Algorithms at Princeton University
- IME/USP Análise de Algoritmos
- Algoritmos para Grafos
- Algorithms Course Materials
- Big-O cheat sheet
- Computer Science animated
- AlgoList
- GeeksForGeeks
- Data Structure Visualizations
- Visualizations by Steven Halim
- Sorting Algorithms
- Algomations
- Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd edition. CORMEN, Thomas H. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill
- Competitive Programming 3. HALIM, Steven. lulu
I am very interested in solving problems from Programming Contests, specially the ones found on the UVa website. If you're interested in my solutions to some of their problems, check out this repo of mine.
Thanks to,
- Professor Paulo G.S da Fonseca
- Professor Katia S. Guimarães. Ph.D
Without these people, instead of little, I would know nothing about Algorithms. Also, thanks to the whole Internet, for all the infinite amount of knowledge on the field provided for free.
© 2013-2017 Rodrigo Alves