Pure lua nvim config. Probably requires nvim 0.7+
Install nvim with brew on MacOS or otherwise.
brew install nvim
You're also going to need a nerd-font to support extended characters:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font
Ensure Hack Nerd Font Mono
is used in your terminal of choice.
(e.g. iTerm2: Preferences->Profiles->Text->Font)
Git clone this repo into ~/.config
and make sure the directory name is nvim
within that dir.
The first time you run nvim
, you will see all the plugins install and an unreadable purple dialog box fire.
Once it's complete, press q
and then exit nvim with a :q
. Restart nvim.
Once you restart nvim
in any file, you should see a fully themed editor.
For future editing and installing plugins:
cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/user/
nvim plugins.lua
(optionally add more plugins)
:w (save plugins.lua within nvim)
the plugins will auto-install upon file save, then :q
in nvim
Open any file in nvim
and run :LspInstallInfo
You should see a popup with an Available Servers menu.
Scroll down to any package and hit i
to install.
At a minimum, install:
jsonls -- for JSON file editing
sumneko_lua -- for editing these lua config files
Browse the packages for what you need, but I use:
cssls -- for CSS
html -- for markup
pyright -- for Python development
tailwindcss -- for Tailwind projects
tsserver -- for JS and TS projects
Restart nvim and you should see the LSP engine running / autocompleting.
For full Telescope plugin capabilities, also need to install ripgrep
and fd
brew install ripgrep
brew install fd
Within NeoVim, run :checkhealth telescope
to make sure everything is in place.
I learned a ton and used a lot from chris@machine's amazing YouTube instruction series: