Flutter base is a boilerplate project created by Rootstrap for new projects using Flutter. The main objective is helping any new projects jump start into feature development by providing a handful of functionalities.
This template comes with:
- Melos: Manage actions.
- Dependency injection (GetIt).
- HttpClient already configured for Rootstrap BE Projects(Dio).
- Theming setup.
- Navigation Router and DeepLinks config with go_router
- Intl.
- State Management (Blocs/Cubit).
- Env config and flavors.
- Chat with Gemini and Vertex AI (Documentation and setup WIP)
- GitWorkflow config: RS-GPT-Review
- GitWorkflow config: Sonarqube
Create a new repo using this template.
Clone your new repo.
Install Melos globally executing:
dart pub global activate melos
. -
melos -v
* note: if your terminal don't recognize melos command, you can add the following line to your .zshrc or .bashrc file:*
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
- Run
melos doctor
. - Run
melos pub:get
. - Setup Android:
- Add to the build.properties file (and update when needed):
- Android SignIn
- Create your release Key Store:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/keystore_name.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias your_alias"
- Create the 'key.properties' file with the keystore information:
"API_URL": "https://dummyjson.com"
- Setup iOs App Name and id:
- Locate the config file for each flavor and configure the FLUTTER_APP_NAME i.e: Debug.xcconfig
Follow the Android Studio instructions to setup the editor
Follow the VS Code instructions to setup the editor
- Open a Simulator or Emulator
- Open your project in your editor of preference
Note: Starting with Flutter 2.8 in order for you to launch the app in Android you must
define the flutter.compileSdkVersion
inside the local.properties
You can read more about this here.
- Add a Run Configuration
- Add new Flutter configuration
- Give it a meaningful name IE: Dev, QA, Staging, Prod
- Pick the entry point, main.dart file location IE:
- Include any additional run arguments to launch the app.
- Setup your env vars, i.e the api_url for each env:
{ "API_URL": "https://dummyjson.com" }
- Select the device to launch the App
- Run the App
Go to Run and Debug section at the Activity Bar
At the top of the section expand the list and Add Configuration
Insert Flutter Launch configuration
Inside the Run and Debug section select the environment you want to excute
Make sure you have the device you want to use already open
Run the App
Note 1: Create as much Launch Configurations as you need for any specific environment.
Note 2: You shouldn't commit the .vscode/launch.json
Build your android appBundle or apk:
- run the following command to build your appBundle
flutter build appBundle -t lib/main/env/main.dart --dart-define-from-file=env_prod.json
[TODO: add how to setup Xcode for apple signIn]
Configure your iOs app sigIn.
- run the following command to build your ipa
flutter build ipa --release -t lib/main/env/main.dart --dart-define-from-file=env_prod.json
For more information you can check the docs
- intl and intl_utils for localization.
- flutter_svg Svg Image loader.
In order to meet the required code quality standards, this project is following this tech guides considerations . It also runs flutter analyze for each build on your CI/CD tool.
We are using Bitrise to configure and run the CI/CD pipelines
- Configure GPT secrets vars on your repo settings:
- Go to you sonarqube server and configure a new project.
- Configure the sonar-project.properties: example: ''' sonar.projectKey=your-app-key sonar.projectName=your-project-name sonar.host.url=https://your-sonarqube-server.net sonar.projectVersion=1.0 sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 '''
sonar.sources=app/lib,modules/domain,modules/data,modules/common sonar.dart.exclusions=pubspec.yaml sonar.dart.analyzer.report.mode=LEGACY
- Configure Sonarqube secrets vars on your repo settings:
- SONAR_TOKEN (your sonarqube project token)
- SONAR_URL (your sonarqube server url)
Flutter-Base is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
NOTE: Remove the free LICENSE file for private projects or replace it with the corresponding license.
Flutter Base is maintained by Rootstrap with the help of our contributors.