Fallout1in2 v1.2.2035
released this
30 May 16:49
1516 commits
to master
since this release
- Added: A new "Fo2-style environmental lighting"-option has been added to the fo1_settings.ini file (Winter days are shorter, summer days are longer, etc ... disabled by default).
- Added: Alternative item rewards from Talus and Mathia can now be toggled in fo1_settings.ini file (enabled by default).
Laser Pistol -> Magneto-Laser Pistol
Power Fist -> Mega Power Fist
Ripper -> Super Sledgehammer - Added: It is now possible to enabled/disable the Shady Sands merchant (added by Fixt) in the fo1_settings.ini file (enabled by default).
- Added: Flares now respawn on the Shady Sands merchant.
- Added: The Cathedral merchant is now also affected by the "Fo2-style merchant restocking" option.
- Added: Using the science skill on the prisoner terminal in the Master's Lair will now also toggle the force fields on / off.
- Added: Wild Dogs now have a chance to spawn as hostile mobs inside caves.
- Added: Zip-Gun (low-tier energy pistol) is now available at Jacob in the Hub and the merchant in Shady Sands.
- Fixed: After returning the water chip, "Calm the Rebels" and "Find the Water Thief" quests will only show as completed if the player actually started them.
- Fixed: Destroying the Cathedral / Military Base will now always correctly strike out the quest entries in the PipBoy.
- Fixed: Cost calculations of the CoC doctor in Junktown wasn't rounding the result.
- Fixed: Dogmeat will now correctly start with 50hp.
- Fixed: The duplicated beginning/end frame of the male leather jacket critter running animation has been removed. (Issue #62)
- Fixed: Fire Geckos now get their flame breath from critter script instead of the map script on critter creation. (Issue #53)
- Fixed: Lorraine in Adytum was showing odd dialog when the player talked to her again.
- Fixed: Marcelle in Junktown won't spawn a new shotgun on ever map enter.
- Fixed: Mutants in Mariposa would not be removed correctly from the entrance map when applying the "radio trick" and leaving the map early.
- Fixed: Saul in Junktown had wrong mood / reaction values set.
- Fixed: Cabbot at the Brotherhood of Steel had wrong mood / reaction values set.
- Fixed: Some doors in the Brotherhood bunker were using the wrong script (door.int -> metldoor.int).
- Fixed: Super Mutant Lieutenant proto didn't have the "special death"-flag set.
- Fixed: The traps behind Set in Necropolis create a fireball and area-damage effect again when exploding.
- Fixed: Wu in the Children's Cathedral won't sell his emblem anymore.
- Tweaked: Changed the way the "Fo2-style merchant restocking"-mechanic works: The default Fo1 inventory will always load first, later the restocking is applied.
- Tweaked: Added Vault doors as "metal"-type to generic door scripts.
- Tweaked: Mrs. Staple in the Hub will now respawn her books in vanilla-style again. With the Fo2 merchant restocking mode enabled, her money amount will follow the new restocking rules. The related Fixt-settings have been removed.
- Tweaked: Spore plant encounters now have a chance to additionally spawn a group of mantis.