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Easy develepment setup for atom to install the much needed packages for dev in HTML/CSS, javascript, python, PHP

Initial Setup

Once you've cloned this project locally to your machine, all you need to do is run the appropriate shell scripts to get everything going.

To install packages.


To update Current Packages

List of Packages

Awesome UI with file Icons

apm install seti-ui apm install monokai-seti

basic atom setup

apm install atom-beautify

different indentation styles

apm install auto-detect-indentation

easy to open recent files and folders from the “File” menu

apm install open-recent

Color previews for color strings in any file

apm install pigments

adds a handy customizable toolbar in the UI

apm install tool-bar

really easy to open up your GIT projects

apm install git-projects

Sublime like multi cursor

apm install multi-cursor

Edit CSV files using a table editor

apm install tablr

Lots of monospace fonts

apm install fonts

Generic bottom dock for quick panel development

apm install bottom-dock

A terminal package for Atom,

apm install terminal-plus

TODO-show reveals comments scattered through your project containing keywords such as TODO

apm install todo-show

displaying a condensed view of your code for quick navigation.

apm install minimap apm install minimap-linter apm install minimap-pigments

Automates closing of HTML Tags

apm install autoclose-html

Get linter powers

apm install linter apm install linter-htmlhint apm install linter-csslint apm install linter-jshint apm install linter-eslint apm install linter-sass-lint apm install linter-json-lint apm install linter-flow apm install linter-php apm install linter-phpmd apm install linter-javac

aligner packages

apm install aligner apm install aligner-css apm install aligner-javascript apm install aligner-php apm install aligner-scss apm install aligner-php

intelligent autocomplete with type information.

apm install atom-ternjs

plugin auto-completes node modules as well as file paths

apm install autocomplete-modules apm install autocomplete-java

type aware autocomplete, Ctrl+Click to go to definition,

apm install nuclide

Run the 'PHP Coding Standards Fixer' within Atom

apm install php-cs-fixer

Hyperclick provider for PHP. Open file when classname is clicked

apm install php-hyperclick

Postman for atom

apm install rest-client

Make your Java development experience bareable.

apm install java-plus

References and Sources

Thanks go to the following sources.

Evan Hahn Blog Essential Atom Packages


Setup a killer Atom.IO IDE. ⚛️








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