YOLO implementation from scratch for detection of rudimentary shapes
Localization and classification of objects of two different shapes (Circles / Rectangle)
Class prediction coloring - Blue : Rectangular
Red : Circular
Localization of 2 objects
Localization of single circular object
Localization of single rectangular object
- For the prediction task, a probability map has not be used (as used in original paper). Instead class probabilities are predicted for every bounding box
- For multiple object detection, a 1x2 grid has been used with a single bounding box associated with each grid cell
- To simplify the learning task, input images were created in a manner that ensured that each cell always had a object in it
- Ensembling.ipynb : Code to ensemble multiple trained YOLO models. Ensemble model shown to outperform individual models
- VideoCreater.ipynb : Code for patching together multiple predicted output images