A file explorer for linux systems that runs on terminal
- run make in the source code directory to compile.
* run ./term
It will open explorer in current folder
* run ./term <path_to_directory>
It will open explorer in specified folder
- up, down, left, right, backspace, h keys work as described in assignment. Also 'q' can be used to quit the program.
- : can be used to get into command mode. Bottom line would be available to right command.
- After running one command, the bottom line gets cleared and is ready to accept more commands.
- To exit from command mode : ESC
- To exit from normal mode(project): press 'q' only(No control signals will work in termination).
- for files containing space in name, use \ as escape seq. eg to create folder named "Rushit Jasani" in Home dir,
type :
create_dir Rushit\ Jasani ~
- preferable to open in full size terminal. if one record spans over more than one line then navigation won't work correctly.
- if path length is more than 115 to 120 char then navigation may not work properly.
- in command mode, to edit the command, use backspace only.
- if ENTER is pressed on some file and if there is no default application found then there will be no movement.