👋 Hi, I’m Kristin Rutenkolk (sometimes wiredaemon on the internet)
I'm currently a CS phd student a the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf in Germany working at the chair of Software Engineering and Programming Languages .
👀 I’m interested among other things in:
formal methods
programming languages
functional programming
logic programming
gpu programming (Cuda, halide, OpenGL, Vulkan(not if I can choose))
exact real arithmetic
self-validating numerical methods such as:
- Interval arithmetic
- ball arithmetic
- affine arithmetic
- others
real constraint solving (such as ibex-lib)
current programming languages of choice (roughly in order):
- f#
- clojure
- java
- prolog
- zig
- c++
I have a twitter but I'm no longer very active there.
I mostly post stuff about what I work on and other related things on my cohost.