Dead-simple Ruby API client for No extra runtime dependencies.
Uses v3 API provided by workable.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'workable'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install workable
Gem covers all endpoints mentioned in official v3 workable API documentation (
For detailed documentation please refer to:
client = 'api_key', subdomain: 'your_subdomain')
# takes optional phase argument (string): 'published' (default), 'draft', 'closed' or 'archived' # => Workable::Collection
# Workable::Collection example
jobs =
loop do
jobs.each do |job|
# Do something with the job
break unless jobs.next_page?
jobs = jobs.fetch_next_page
shortcode =["shortcode"]
# API queries are not cached (at all) - it's up to you to cache results one way or another
client.stages # => Array of hashes
client.recruiters # => Array of hashes
client.members # => Array of hashes
client.job_details(shortcode) # => Hash
client.job_questions(shortcode) # => Array of hashes
client.job_application_form(shortcode) # => Hash
client.job_candidates(shortcode, :stage => stage_slug, :limit => 100) # => Array of hashes:
# if given stage limits to given stage
# if given limit lists the last `limit` added candidates
# Adding candidates - candidate is a Hash as described in:
client.create_job_candidate(candidate, shortcode, stage_slug) # => Hash (stage_slug is optional)
# managing candidates
client.disqualify(candidate_id, member_id, reason)
client.revert(candidate_id, member_id) # reverts disqualification
client.copy(candidate_id, member_id, shortcode, stage)
client.relocate(candidate_id, member_id, shortcode, stage)
client.move(candidate_id, member_id, stage)
client.create_rating(candidate_id, member_id, comment, score)
client.create_comment(candidate_id, member_id, comment_text, attachment)
# Possible errors (each one inherits from Workable::Errors::WorkableError)
Workable::Errors::InvalidConfiguration # missing api_key / subdomain
Workable::Errors::NotAuthorized # wrong api key
Workable::Errors::InvalidResponse # something went wrong during the request?
Workable::Errors::NotFound # 404 from workable
Workable::Errors::RequestToLong # When the requested result takes to long to calculate, try limiting your query
When creating Client
you can specify extra methods/Proc
s for
automated transformation of results and input.
client =
api_key: 'api_key',
subdomain: 'your_subdomain'
transform_to: {
candidate: OpenStruct.method(:new)
transform_from: {
candidate: { |input| input.to_h }
The first transformation to
will make the Client
instead of just plain result
everywhere where
candidate is expected. In case of Arrays the transformation will be
applied to every element.
The second transformation from
will expect an instance of OpenStruct
instead of raw data and will execute the to_h
on the instance before
sending it to workable API.
The rest of result will be returned as Array
no transformation will be applied if not defined - raw data will be
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