media storage and sharing api written in go using microservice architecture.
- for simplicity and data integrity used a central database for user related data except media files
- written in a request-response architecture
- services communicate to each other using gRPC
main api of app for user related data (users,medias,comments,playlists,likes,tags,followings)
- has a Rest api for recieving and uploading media files (photo,video,music)
- stores all media files and its meta data (other services communicate with file service to know media file url exist and belong to which user)
- media files are stored in system files and meta data is stored in a mongodb database
- handles video,music formating and compression (using ffmpeg)
- central database (postgres) for storing all user user related data (users,medias,comments,playlists,likes,tags,followings)
- other services communicate with database service to get user related data
- recieves notifications from other services to send to user
- send emails to users for verifications and notifications
protected routes require authentication with api key
type | url | protected |
GET | api/users/{username} |
✗ |
GET | api/users |
✗ |
GET | api/users/search/{term} |
✗ |
POST | api/users/ |
✗ |
POST | api/users/sign-in |
✗ |
POST | api/users/{username}/verify/{code} |
✗ |
POST | api/users/resend-email |
✓ |
PUT | api/users/{username}/profile-photo |
✓ |
GET | /users/{username}/followings |
✓ |
PUT | api/users/{username}/channel-photo |
✓ |
PUT | api/users/{username}/newApiKey |
✓ |
PUT | api/users/{username} |
✓ |
DELETE | api/users/{username} |
✓ |
POST | api/follows/{username} |
✓ |
DELETE | api/follows/{username} |
✓ |
type | url | protected |
GET | api/medias |
✗ |
GET | api/medias/search/{term} |
✗ |
GET | api/medias/{url} |
✗ |
POST | api/medias |
✓ |
PUT | api/medias/{url} |
✓ |
DELETE | api/medias/{url} |
✓ |
POST | api/medias/{url}/tag/{name} |
✓ |
DELETE | api/medias/{url}/tag/{name} |
✓ |
POST | api/medias/{url}/playlists/{playlistUrl} |
✓ |
PUT | api/medias/{url}/playlists/{playlistUrl} |
✓ |
DELETE | api/medias/{url}/playlists/{playlistUrl} |
✓ |
type | url | protected |
GET | api/comments/{commentUrl} |
✗ |
GET | api/comments/medias/{url} |
✗ |
GET | /comments/{commentUrl}/replies |
✗ |
POST | api/comments/medias/{url} |
✓ |
PUT | api/comments/{commentUrl} |
✓ |
DELETE | api/comments/{commentUrl} |
✓ |
type | url | protected |
POST | api/medias/{url}/likes |
✓ |
DELETE | api/medias/{url}/likes |
✓ |
POST | api/comments/{url}/likes |
✓ |
DELETE | api/comments/{url}/likes |
✓ |
type | url | protected |
GET | api/playlists |
✗ |
GET | api/playlists/search/{term} |
✗ |
GET | api/playlists/{url} |
✗ |
GET | api/playlists/{url}/medias |
✗ |
POST | api/playlists |
✓ |
PUT | api/playlists/{url} |
✓ |
DELETE | api/playlists/{url} |
✓ |
type | url | protected |
GET | api/photos/{url} |
✗ |
GET | api/videos/{url} |
✗ |
GET | api/musics/{url} |
✗ |
POST | api/photos/upload |
✓ |
POST | api/videos/upload |
✓ |
POST | api/musics/upload |
✓ |
make build
builds go files
make all
builds go files and generate pb files
make build-run
builds everything and run docker container
make run
run docker container
make remove
stops and removes docker container
- video,music,photo storage and sharing
- video and music streaming
- swagger documentations (at
) - user subscribing (following)
- comment and reply on medias
- media and comment likes
- searching users,medias,playlists
- multi media playlists
- email verification
- user upload limit
- notifications:
- new media from following user (subscribing)
- new comment on users media
- new reply on users commnet
- new like on users media,comment,reply
- new follower (subscriber)
- image compression
- multiple video quality and bitrate
- video subtitle
- video thumbnail from video
- adding image to musics