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CRUD App that scales up to 1000+ requests/sec (512 new Users / second) using server-side and client-side caching

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This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...

Setup Commands

  1. Clone Git repo
  2. Run following commands inside project folder to start up the docker container.
    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up
  3. Open a 2nd terminal and run the following commands to create and migrate the DB.
      docker-compose run web rake db:create
      docker-compose run web rails db:migrate
  4. Seed DB
    	docker-compose run web /bin/bash
    	rails db:reset 	#to seed and reset db
  5. To check database
    	docker-compose run web /bin/bash
    	rails c 		#brings up rails console
    	> # Enter queries here #

pw wolfgang chmod 700 RoyalTundraWolfpack.pem ssh -i RoyalTundraWolfpack.pem

AWS Deployment Instruction

  1. Download .pem file into local directory. (Do not put into push this .pem file to GitHub)
  2. SSH into the EC2 instance.
    ssh -i RoyalTundraWolfpack.pem
    • if get permission issues with .pem file, run chmod 700 RoyalTundraWolfpack.pem
  3. Clone GitHub repo into EB instance via HTTPS and cd into that directory.
    git clone
  4. Configure EB instance - do once for each copy of repo.
    eb init --keyname $(whoami) \
      --platform "64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v2.11.0 running Ruby 2.6 (Puma)" \
      --region us-west-2 RoyalTundraWolfPack
  5. Create deployment (~10 min to deploy).
    eb create --envvars SECRET_KEY_BASE=BADSECRET \
      -db.engine postgres -db.i db.t3.micro -db.user u \
      -i t3.micro --single YOURNAME
  6. Verify deployment - make sure status is READY and health is GREEN
    eb status
  7. Check out deployed app at CNAME given in eb status output.
  8. To update application, run
    eb deploy
  9. To view logs
    eb logs | less -R
  10. To SSH into app server
    eb ssh -i "ssh -i ~/$(whoami).pem"
  11. Cd into following directory
    cd /var/app/current
  12. Give permissions to following folder
    sudo chmod -R 757 /var/app/current/tmp
  13. Seed database
    rails db:seed
    • If you need to reset before seeding database:
       rails db:reset
      • To disable environment check to allow permission to drop production data:
  14. To cleanup
    eb terminate

Tsung Test Doc

Tsung Instance Setup Commands

  1. Log into ec2 instance and run tsung script. If permission issues, run chmod first.
    chmod 700
    • A dashboard URL will be given that you cannot access until you start tsung.
  2. SSH into the tsung ec2 instance.
    ssh -i ~/RoyalTundraWolfpack.pem ec2-user@IP_ADDRESS 
    • IP_ADDRESS should be given when "./" is ran
    • You can also run the ssh command given.
  3. Edit the simple.xml file with whatever tsung commands you want to test.
  4. Start tsung with the following command
    tsung -kf simple.xml start
    • You will now be able to access the dashboard URL given in the output of running ./launch_instance from step 1.
  5. To save new tsung logs to local directory (which you should since tsung will delete the files if you terminate the instance), run the following from the root local directory of the Git repo (same level as .pem file).
    rsync -auv -e "ssh -i RoyalTundraWolfpack.pem" ec2-user@IP_ADDRESS:.tsung/log/* tsung_logs/
    • Use IP_ADDRESS given from tsung instance
    • To update your logs, just re-run the command to copy over any updated logs
    • Rename the log directories after tsung logs the run for easier reference in the future


CRUD App that scales up to 1000+ requests/sec (512 new Users / second) using server-side and client-side caching






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