Ansible role used to install ConfigServer Firewall.
This role was tested on following systems:
- centOS 7
- centOS 8
- AlmaLinux 8
- Rocky Linux 8
- Debian 9
- Debian 10
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Ubuntu 20.10
- Ubuntu 21.04
Most of the variables cover configuration options of CSF from /etc/csf/csf.conf file. These variables take default CSF values, and are defined as csf_<csf.conf_option_name> in lowercase.
csf_checksum - sha256 checksum of downloaded tgz file
csf_tgz - path to downloaded tgz file
csf_unpack - directory where tgz archive is unpacked
csf_conf_template - By default "csf.conf.truncated.j2" - Default CSF config file provides verbose descriptions to every available option. This role sends file without these descriptions, resulting in smaller file. To revert this, change variable value to "csf.conf.j2"
csf_testing - By default in CSF, this takes value of 1. This role sets this value to 0 immediately in order to launch LFD daemon. Override this variable to disable LFD daemon.
csf_installed - This step will omit installing CSF from scratch, and will apply only the configuration changes. Defaults to false, you can set it after installation for each host to true.
For base installation with default values, there is no need to define any variables. However, if you want to change any of the CSF settings, do it directly in role variables.
- hosts: servers
- role: csf
csf_docker: "1"
csf_tcp_in: "22, 25, 443"
csf_tcp_out: "22, 25, 80, 113, 443"
csf_allowlist: [,]
csf_denylist: [,]
csf_ignorelist: []
csf_presh: "./local_bash_script"
csf_postsh: "./another_local_bash_script"
Sebastian Zawadzki