Github-DL is a command line search and clone tool of Github repositories, using the open Github API Search Repositories Endpoint.
It is written in Go and has been compiled and tested to work on Linux x64 an Linux ARMv6. See releases for binaries.
While this is not a replacement for or one of many other clients, this is intended for headless and IoT devices, like the PocketChip and to save you from typing long URLs / SCP commands etc.
github-dl [-search <terms>] [-in <name,description,readme>] [-user <user>] [-lang <language>] [-stars <min..max>] [-size <min..max>] [-showforks <true/only>] [-sort <stars/forks/updated>] [-order <asc/desc>]
To run the code locally:
git clone
cd github-dl/
export GOPATH=$PWD
go get
go run githubl.go [parameters]