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As applications evolve, new capabilities are added and the dataset must be enhanced. TokenStream Format is a forward and backward compatible format to allow applications to add data fields gracefully. It is somewhat analogous to a binary version of XML.

Format Basics

Like XML, the key to TokenStreams is simplicity. Each stream consists of one or more chunks. Each chunk consists of:

  • Token - The value of the token is often derived from an enum within the structure being serialized.
  • Length - The number of bytes of data to follow.
  • Data

For information about the binary format, see

Types That Support Serialization

Out of the box, TokenStream understands how to serialize the following:

  • bool
  • All integer types: char, int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t
  • Float types: float, double
  • Any enum or enum class type
  • const char*
  • std::string
  • Any type that subclasses TokenStream::Serializable
  • Any type that implements void WriteToTokenStream(TokenStream::Writer& writer) and void ReadFromTokenStream(TokenStream::Reader& reader)
  • Any type that has a TokenStream::Helper<T>
  • std::vector, std::list, std::set, std::unordered_set, std::map, or std::unordered_map of any of the above

Rules For Use

If you want to add elements to a structure, add a new token with a higher value than the previous highest token value for that structure and write the new data. If an older version of your application tries to read data created by a newer version, it can ignore the tokens it does not understand. A newer version of your application can use data created by an older version without the need to convert the data to the new format.

Because the format is extensible, you must clear your data structure before parsing a TokenStream. The data may have come from an older version of your application that did not have every field. This leads to a nice, cheap optimization. If a field is set to 0 or NULL, there is no need to write the field to the stream. Our TokenSteam::Writer class checks every element it writes for a 0 value and skips it if possible. That means that you can add many switches and rarely used data elements to your structure without taking a storage hit for each one.

Typical Usage

There are 5 different ways to read and write TokenStream data. Which you choose will depend on the needs of your application:

  1. Macros to make it easy
  2. Override Read and Write
  3. Implement ReadFromTokenStream and WriteToTokenStream to avoid subclassing
  4. Use a TokenStream::Helper<T> to keep the code out of your class
  5. Use TokenStream::Generic

Macros To Make It Easy

The TokenStream library includes some macros to make most of this work automatic. Just subclass TokenStream::Serializable and add the macros and your work is done.

IMPORTANT: These macros will only work if your class has an enum class Token with names that match your member names as in the below example.

struct Date : TokenStream::Serializable {
    uint8_t 	day = 0;
    uint8_t 	month = 0;
    uint16_t	year = 0;

    enum class Token {
        day, month, year


struct Address : TokenStream::Serializable {
    const char*	address1 = nullptr;
    const char*	address2 = nullptr;
    const char*	city = nullptr;
    const char*	state = nullptr;
    const char*	country = nullptr;
    const char*	zip = nullptr;

    enum class Token {
        address1, address2, city, state,
        country, zip


struct Employee : TokenStream::Serializable {
    const char* name = nullptr;
    const char* phone = nullptr;
    uint16_t    extension = 0;
    Date        birthDate;
    Date        hireDate;
    Address     home;
    Address     office;

    enum class Token {
        name, phone, extension,
        birthDate, hireDate, home, office


Now if you have a TokenStream::Writer you can simply:

    TokenStream::MemoryWriter writer;
    Employee employee; = "Joe";
    writer << employee;

This will handle writing the entire nested structure, eliminating any default values. In the above example, all of the values are default except the employee name so this will only write 5 bytes: 00 03 4A 6F 65.

Default Values

The ENUMERATED_TOKEN macro can take default values, like this:

struct Date : TokenStream::Serializable {
    uint8_t     day = 1;
    uint8_t     month = 1;
    uint16_t    year = 1970;

    enum class Token {
        day, month, year

        ENUMERATED_TOKEN(day, 1),
        ENUMERATED_TOKEN(month, 1),
        ENUMERATED_TOKEN(year, 1970)

Be sure you initialize your members to the same values that you pass in as the default in the ENUMERATED_TOKEN macro.

Once this is done, the default values will not be serialized. This can save a lot of space, especially for booleans that default to true.

Handling Subclasses

When you subclass a type, you may want to extend the serialization. This can be done with one of two patterns with macros.

The safer method is to use MAP_BASE_TOKEN:

struct DataAndTime : Date {
    uint8_t hour = 0;
    uint8_t minute = 0;
    uint8_t second = 0;

    enum class Token {

        MAP_BASE_TOKEN(Token::base, Date),

This assigns a token to the base class and wraps the contents of the base class in its own sub-stream. That means that a few extra bytes will be added so that we can have a proper envelope on the base data. The big advantage is that it keeps the tokens for the base and subclasses complete separate.

The less safe method is to use DERIVED_TOKEN_MAP:

struct DataAndTime : Date {
    uint8_t hour = 0;
    uint8_t minute = 0;
    uint8_t second = 0;

    enum class Token {
        hour = 10,


This version will have only a single envelope but you must ensure that there is no overlap between the tokens of the 2 types. For well defined types, this is often a perfectly reasonable choice, especially if you leave a gap in the token values as I did above.

Override Read and Write

The Macros to make it easy technique above is actually overriding the Read and Write methods of TokenStream::Serializable. You can also just do this yourself, like this:

struct Date : TokenStream::Serializable {
    uint8_t     day = 0;
    uint8_t     month = 0;
    uint16_t    year = 0;

    enum class Token {
        day, month, year

    void Write(TokenStream::Writer& writer) const override
        writer << Token::day << day
               << Token::month << month
               << Token::year << year;

    void Read(TokenStream::Reader& reader) override
        while(!reader.EOS()) {
            switch(reader.GetToken<Token>()) {
            case Token::day:
                reader >> day;
            case Token::month:
                reader >> month;
            case Token::year:
                reader >> year;

If you want to write defaults, you can stream use ValueWithDefault:

    void Write(TokenStream::Writer& writer) const override
        writer << Token::day << TokenStream::ValueWithDefault(day, 1)
               << Token::month << TokenStream::ValueWithDefault(month, 1)
               << Token::year << TokenStream::ValueWithDefault(year, 1);

Or you can just use the Put methods:

    void Write(TokenStream::Writer& writer) const override
            .Put(Token::day, day, 1)
            .Put(Token::month, month, 1)
            .Put(Token::year, year, 1);

Implement ReadFromTokenStream and WriteToTokenStream to avoid subclassing

If you do not want to subclass TokenStream::Serializable, you can just implement a couple of methods to add serialization support. This is often the best option for very simple types such as Date that want to be POD (Plain Old Data).

struct Date {
    uint8_t     day = 1;
    uint8_t     month = 1;
    uint16_t    year = 1970;

    enum class Token {
        day, month, year

    void WriteToTokenStream(TokenStream::Writer& writer)
            .Put(Token::day, day, 1)
            .Put(Token::month, month, 1)
            .Put(Token::year, year, 1);

    void ReadFromTokenStream(TokenStream::Reader& reader)
        while(!reader.EOS()) {
            switch(reader.GetToken<Token>()) {
            case Token::day:
                reader >> day;
            case Token::month:
                reader >> month;
            case Token::year:
                reader >> year;

The main downside to this technique is that the methods are not virtual.

Use a TokenStream Helper to keep the code out of your class

Sometimes you will want to serialize classes without adding any serialization code to the class. This is often true when either you are unable to modify the class in question, or when your serialization code needs to live in a separate library from the class. In these cases, you can create a TokenStream::Helper for the class. For example:

struct Date {
    uint8_t     day = 1;
    uint8_t     month = 1;
    uint16_t    year = 1970;

namespace TokenStream {
    template<> struct Helper<Date> {
        enum class Token {
            day, month, year

        static void Write(Date& o, Writer& writer) {
            writer.Put(Token::day,, 1);
            writer.Put(Token::month, o.month, 1);
            writer.Put(Token::year, o.year, 1);

        static void Read(Date& o, Reader& reader) {
            while(!reader.EOS()) {
                switch(reader.GetToken<Token>()) {
                case Token::day:
                    reader >>;
                case Token::month:
                    reader >> o.month;
                case Token::year:
                    reader >> o.year;
    static_assert(Reader::has_reader_helper<Date>::value, "Date should have a valid read Helper");
    static_assert(Writer::has_writer_helper<Date>::value, "Date should have a valid write Helper");

Use TokenStream Generic

Finally, you can write streams without actually having the structure to serialize. This can be especially useful when serializing data for runtime classes that will be generated.

To do this, instantiate TokenStream::Generic and use the Add method to add data to the stream. There are Add methods for all of the basic types, as well as for serializing out other TokenStream::Generic objects. You can look at TokenStreamTest.cpp for a complete example.


TokenStream: Efficient data serialization for C++







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