Before you install, see the Installing system prerequisites guide to make sure you have all required system packages installed.
To run the server, you must install the following python packages:
pip install pymongo cherrypy bcrypt
Before you can build the client-side code project, you must install the Grunt command line utilities:
npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
Then cd into the root of the repository and run:
npm install
Finally, when all node packages are installed, run:
grunt init
To build the client side code, run the following command from within the repository:
Run this command any time you change a JavaScript or CSS file under clients/web.
To run the server, first make sure the mongo daemon is running and has text search enabled. To manually start it, run:
mongod --setParameter textSearchEnabled=true &
Then, just run:
python -m girder
Then open http://localhost:8080/ in your web browser, and you should see the application.